Mostly I am fairly content on LJ even though I know people have moved on/post elsewhere/just read but every now and then I get a burst of intense sadness and the very early hours of Sunday morning I had an intense one when, at 2am, I finished watching The Day of the Doctor and came online to find a single, solitary post about Doctor Who and that from someone who had disliked it.
There are a few more around now and I'm perfectly aware that people were talking about it on twitter but I can't browse back that far so *shrugs* the changing face of fandom.
In fact I even enjoyed Billie Piper and long term readers will understand how strange it is for me to type those words :-P I guess the only version of Rose I ever much liked was Bad Wolf!Rose and this was the Moment being that Rose so actually it was great (and might have convinced me that I could come round to not hating Billie Piper in all the things which would also be nice *squashes teen!Sarah's ridiculous reactions*
I adored the War Doctor snarking at Ten & Eleven's baby talk and brandishing of screwdrivers and his inability to recognise himself in them and I liked that Ten & Eleven actually got on and basically all the scenes with the three of them made me ♥_♥
The trio of sonic screwdrivers scene was particularly beautiful as they came to a very good but complicated solution instead of opening the door.
Also I LOVED that Ten kept being wrong about Elizabeth because he's kind of a dick about some things.
Oh and I also laughed quite a lot at Eleven's little "he always says that" about Ten's final line because it always grated for me.
This review is more a "here are things I loved" so in that vein I loved:
Osgood's scarf
Everything at the National Gallery (except the idea of tea that near objects :-P)
The Curator! Whatever or whoever he was I hadn't been spoiled and I was SO gleeful
I Chesterton on the school sign
Clara being a teacher and holding down a job whilst travelling with the Doctor
Generally everything about Clara and her very human influence on the Doctor and how calm she manages to keep generally.
Side note: I got so flaily when he appeared because I KNEW theyw ere going to give me 20 seconds of him and then take him away forever because the whole thing is that everybody died but he DIDN'T die and that gives the potential for Peter de Jersey being in Doctor Who if/when the Doctor re-finds Gallifrey and OH ♥ God I love that man *sighs* I couldn't have been more over the moon even if Andrew Scott HAD appeared.
The rabbit- very Monty Python
the TARDIS comparisons (I'm always easy for that kind of stuff)
also the idea of the TARDIS' sound bringing hope.
The Moment, just the whole concept of a weapon with a conscience and then the way it brought the Doctor to where he needed to be, speaking of which...
So I realise that this piece of retconning probably really annoyed a lot of people but if the Doctor had a choice at that point of COURSE he'd have done something different, that's who he is!
For a little while I wondered if they were going to make Nine, Ten & Eleven vanish from time by changing what happened and that would have made me cross/sad/annoyed but I like this solution- you still get the angst of hundreds of years believing he killed them all but we also get the hope that the Timelords are out there somewhere and let's be honest most of us have been waiting for some/all of them to have been in a time bubble anyway (haven't we?)
I know people distrust Moffat but I can't wait to see what he's going to do with this idea- Twelve searching for Gallifrey or a way to unfreeze sounds like it could unlock a whole new direction for the show and it makes me VERY happy.
And as various people have said- we were never going to watch Ten & Eleven kill billions of children on a tea-time family entertainment show.
Oh and I loved the Peter Capaldi moment (though all the Doctor's appearing then was maybe the most non-sensical moment of the episode!)
Interestingly if I hadn't watched it when I got home I would have spoiled for the whole central plot by a very annoying member of the clergy who managed to make it the key to his sermon on Sunday afternoon (and just when did he write that sermon do we think?)
I still haven't watched An Adventure in Time and Space yet but I did watch [The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot]The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot <3
Was it Peter Davison's idea completely? I don't know but for me it was the perfect way to get all these people involved in the anniversary without having to find explanations why they looked so much older (see The Curator) PLUS it involved Olivia Colman and so the DW anniversary is officially complete :-P
All the cast members and crew members and children of previous Doctors and I know I only recognised a fraction of the cameos (for example- the children in the car with John Barrowman- why? or who? or just explain please...)
It was funny and affectionate and there was Peter Jackson! And it's so very like what a lot of tumblr seemed to have been suggesting was really going on that, well, yes. Poor babies ignored by big bad Steven Moffat.
Also the RTD bit made me smile quite a lot because while his work on DW is not my favourite either from him or DW he did bring it back ♥
I think I need to watch it again to see if I can catch any more details.
And now to wait for the Christmas episode... *starts countdown*