*ignores real life and work and everything else*
So obviously recently there has been a bit of Olympics nostalgia (and soon tehre will be Paralympics nostalgia) because of last year but I was looking through my LJ "on this day" (which is one of my favourite quick distractions) and discovered something which amused me- apparently my Brownlee interest/obsession goes back further than I thought because I'd have sworn that last year I knew their names but hadn't really properly registered them AND YET from a post in 2008
"Also this is Alistair Brownlee..." in which he came 12th in the Olympics and said he wanted to come 12 places better next time and he totally actually did ♥
(also this time 5 years ago Jason Kenny & Chris Hoy got Silver and Gold in the Sprint and then the IOC made it so that nobody from the same country could ever do that again *sighs*)
I am still pondering which/how many Commonwealth Games tickets to apply for. I keep having to remind myself that I'm going to LonCon and would quite like to go to Nine Worlds next summer too so I won't have that much time/money spare for more sports BUT if nothing else I'll try my luck at getting some tickets for the velodrome.
In other news I accidentally have 4 books on the go at the moment which is definitely bad planning on my part! The Making of the British Landscape is my "too big to carry around" book and I've been reading it for a few months and it's fascinating but needs actual concentration. I then also got a free copy of Canongate's special 40th anniversary book which is great fun & all little snippets which I basically read when waiting eg. waiting for my laptop to turn on. THEN there's the sort of main book I'm reading called Mrs Woolf and the Servants which is, surprisingly, about Virginia Woolf and her servants *g* my brother got it for me for my birthday and I've only just started it but it certainly gives a different angle on her life. FINALLY I totally left all three of those books at home today so obviously I had to go and buy a secondhand book to read in my lunch hour (I also left my phone at home or I might have found other distractions) so I picked up The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction, Vol. 3 because SciFi short stories are always a good bet.
And now I'm rambling, but it's because I keep feeling I can only post if I have a REASON like a review or the art or whatever so just posting rambling seemed like a thing I should try.
What are you reading at the moment? Fiction, FanFiction or NonFiction