Nov 30, 2012 11:48
Someone remind me that I need to reset my alarm for 5 minutes earlier to allow for frost *sighs*
I love the way everything looks at this time of year- the frost on the grass and the trees and the gorgeous winter sunlight and (today at least) the blue skies. I really enjoy walking in the cold and seeing my breath and then coming inside to a warm cup of tea and watching the curls of steam. I actually like the way the dark comes early and makes me feel like curling up at home with the curtains closed, safe and warm, is a good idea.
I just wish it didn't also mean falling out of bed to a FREEZING room earlier than normal and then fighting the ice for the ability to actually see out when I drive.
Um. This wasn't the post I was going to make but I think I'll let it stand anyway.
And now I have Cleo Laine's Winter (Love's Labour's Lost) stuck in my head. One day I will find a copy of her album Shakespeare & All That Jazz. One day.
cleo laine