Oct 26, 2012 13:03
So my laptop now has about 30 minutes battery and it won't charge and I'm waiting for my new power cable to arrive in the hopes that it will miraculously work (actually I think it's quite probable that what's wrong is the cable as I'm not ENTIRELY careful with it *coughs*) and our home PC is so UNBELIEVABLY SLOW I couldn't bear to use it for more than a quick email check last night (I have no idea how mum manages to use it for work purposes but she does) so I was all disconnected at home last night.
So. Weird.
I mean in some ways it was quite useful because I watched the last three episodes of Mrs Biggs I had recorded so I can get back to my White Collar catch up and THEN onto Haven (well... that has to wait till I have my laptop!) and also I really enjoyed Mrs Biggs. I realise I say this a lot but Sheridan Smith really is brilliant and she's so heartbreaking as Charmian Briggs which is weird because she's not a woman I'd ever really expected to have sympathy for. The whole production was good though- gooda ctors, good scripts and really beautifully shot in places.
Also I finished reading two of the books I have on the go... well had on the go I suppose. One of which was what this post was SUPPOSED to be about before I started rambling.
So I've finally finished Essays by Elia which is a collection of Charles Lamb's essays. I've enjoyed reading it HUGELY which is lucky because every other book of essays I've ever read seems to mention him as the perfect essay writer. He's funny and snarky and warm and truthful and basically loves all the same things I do (books & theatre & friends).
Only now I'm a little sad because whose essays do I move onto now? I've read Anne Fadiman (my brother's gift of her first book was what set me off on essays at all), George Orwell (very interesting, some of the politicals ones were a little overly long and detailed for me thought), Dorothy Parker ( LOVE LOVE LOVE her essays and her poems and her reviews) and of course Charles Lamb but what next?
Does anyone have any recs for short essays? Otherwise I'll just be going through the "notable essay writers" list on wikipedia *g*