So I went to the cinema today- that makes twice in two weeks which is VERY unusual for me *g* In fact, as it happens, it means that currently I'm well within my New Year's Resolution (to try and see at last 1 film in the cinema for every 5 plays) and I've now seen 6 films to 19 plays! We'll see how long I keep that up.
5 of those films were the Avengers marathon + Avengers Assemble. Number 6 was The Hunger Games :D I had some really bratty kids on one side of me who wouldn't stop talking despite being asked several times and then one of them started narrating the events of the books- listing who died when! I was VERY glad I already knew *scowls*
On the otherhand the girls on the other side of my decided Peeta was a bit of a stalker which made me LOL quite hard.
I enjoyed the film a lot- the Capitol was perfect and the way District 12 looked was good as well. The start of the film broke my heart, or rather made it race and me hold my breath. Prim was wonderful and Gale ♥
And the whole of the Games were good too EXCEPT what happened to the Hunger bit?
I never believed for a second that anyone in that arena was in danger of starving, nor that Prim & her mother were in danger of it back in District 12 which is sort of a really REALLY important point :-/
I did like the scene with Rue's death, she was so awesome and on top of things and she & Katniss worked well together. The riot was a bit ahead of time from the books and I missed the gift of bread but see above re: hunger.
Giving Seneca a more prominent role was a really good choice I think.
Um... what else? Cinna was exactly as I imagine him and I might have started shipping Katniss/Cinna a bit
Mostly I have to admit that I felt sorrier for Peeta in the film than in the book... though not a lot sorrier. It was interesting that they didn't have quite so obvious a scene at the end when he realises she was pretending. In fact a lot of the actual emotional confusion was entirely down to Jennifer Lawrence's acting which was pretty impressive but... well there's so much more of her thoughts in the book.
If/when they make #2 I'll definitely watch it though a new director means we'll see I guess.