Apr 13, 2011 14:58
So. Recent signalling-to-someone-in-a-departing-helicopter shennanigans in Hawaii Five-O reminded me quite a lot of the last episode of M*A*S*H which is one of my all time favourite episodes of any show ever.
And then I though- how many shows do I even have a favourite episode from? And it's REALLY hard to pick!
Like in West Wing if asked I'd probably say The Crackpots And These Women which is an episode I adore and which actually manages to cover a lot of my favourite things about the show. BUT a few more seconds thought and I find myself wondering if there aren't actually other episodes I love more... like Two Cathedrals for example which is amazing but then isn't exactly enjoyable in the same way.
Or how about Buffy where my automatic reaction would be Hush but a bit more thought and I always come back to Grave though that's mainly just for the scene between Xander & Willow <3 AND whilst IDK if it's my favourite Buffy episode it has to be said that Once More With Feeling is one of my all-time favourite episodes again.
In CSI I find it almost impossible, I love the Lady Heather eps but I'm not sure I could pick one... In CSI NY I'd probably say Silent Night but I've not really considered any of the later series' episodes so much. I couldn't even begin to choose a Doctor Who episode I don't think... maybe Blink because it's just so awesome... or Empty Child but I'm not sure I actually mean that *g*
Oh and Skins it'd have to be the Everyone episode at the end of Series 2. Pretty certain on that one.
So are you able to pick a favourite episode from shows you love? Or can you think of another series you thing I might have a favourite from?
I wondered for a while about trying to make a generic "my favourite TV episodes" list... maybe after this post I'll be able to.
doctor who,
hawaii five-o,
csi ny,
west wing