Posted this on twitter last night but now I'm actually awake (sort of)
naominovik's Temeraire is up against George R.R. Martin’s Jaime Lannister in
this Cage Match and you should completely be voting for Temeraire *nods*
Naomi even wrote "The story of how Temeraire (should!) defeat Jaime Lannister. Safe for most audiences, but warnings for nameless horror. With guest appearances by Iskierka, Haplo, Polgara, Hermione Granger, Cthulhu, and Ryan Seacrest. "
A Dragon And A Swordsman Walk Into A Bar READ IT and then go and
vote. Or
vote and then read it. I don't much mind :P
(ps. I totally nearly tagged this fanfic, it's probably not fanfic when the author writes it themselves is it?)