Dec 06, 2008 01:51
Well, I didn't get much of my paper for the Bow Tie accomplished, but I did get some comments back from Greg, which should be helpful when I get to it tomorrow. Rather, after our TA meeting with the Bow Tie I asked him about this conference funding thing. Wait, let me back, up I guess I didn't mention this. Meggers asked if I was going to APA, and I hadn't really thought about it, but then when I realized it was not that expensive and was in Philadelphia, where Lindsay is now, I thought I would look into it more. Then we got an e-mail yesterday from our grad studies chair saying the dept has some money for grad students going to conferences where they are NOT presenting, and to apply we just write letters and have our advisors sign them. So I spent my morning on that.
Then I was meeting my pastoral advisor at Panera for lunch, which was really nice, before having a student meet me to go over her answers to the exam review. Our review, which I think left us both frustrated, took an hour. It is now 4pm. I think to myself that I will work until five and then go home, because I don't like walking in the dark. I end up reading about a page and then going home at 5:30.
While I was walking home I decide that I will watch grey's and relaw when I get home. Then when I do get home I realize my neighbor (fellow Grey's fan, and SPOer) is home so I go over there and we watched together. I thought about taking a nap, but zoned out and watched Jeopardy instead (this guy that's on right now, pretty impressive, two more days and he is TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS). Then I had decided to go see Tim's band play tonight and my friend Kelly agreed to come so we met for dinner at the pizza place next door before going to sit with some friends and listen to Tim's band, and then the main act. Around 12:15 I was like "okay, I am so leaving at one, I'm about to DIE" but then the music picked up and I ended up leaving around 1:30 when everyone else did. Whew.
Tomorrow: revise what I have for my paper, standardize my citations, and add a couple pages.
grad school