My readership is more faithful than I am this weekend. I haven't really been that busy, in fact I haven't reviewed any Herodotus and only half the Plato, but I have been too lazy to think, let alone write. Also, I spent a fair amount of phone with people or on the phone.
Yesterday I finally caved to the mounting pressure to remember that I'm leaving soon (next Monday) and sent two boxes of books and my guitar back to Florida. While at the mailing place we (I was with friends) saw another classmate walk by and convinced her to join us for the city. So an hour or so later we found ourselves on the top of Macy's overlooking Union Square, gazing at the Dewey Monument, eating cheesecake. You can tell I've been taking Greek because I just used three participles in one sentence. Oh Greek.
Another friend, secretly hoping to get in on some cheesecake action, joined us in the city, but was too late, so we went shopping instead, then wandered over to the Ferry building and drank coffee while looking at the water, which was nice. The cheesecake longing had not left our heroine, however, and so we returned to the Cheesecake Factory (which was so crowded I kept fearing a Titantic-esque rush to safety involving people being crushed, and cheesy declarations of love) and my companions got some cheesecake to go, culminating in our drinking more coffee in a co-op and trying to cast the Shopaholic series (I'm leaning towards Sarah Michelle Gellar as Becky, and Matthew McCouneghy for Luke....but I don't think they would look good *together*).
Today I did Herodotus at Starbucks but my brain was definitely in the off position, I just kept getting everything wrong. Then I started reviewing Plato, which made me feel like I had at least kept part of my brain because that went fine. I also sat in the sun by Dwinelle chatting and catching up with people, most notably Lou, who upon being told of my constant agonizing rejection by certain people gallantly fed me bad pick up lines and boosted my self esteem. To everyone else I talked to, Lou gets a special mention because we talk so rarely.
Oh! This is really lame, but Kavka made my day today by saying my opinion on Stardust had the weight to overrule the negative reviews he had read. I felt inordinately pleased by that.
Not so pleasing, I found out today that the form I was supposed to send in regarding my teaching preferences is already late, so I am hoping against hope not to get stuck with American History. Or Ohio history. Or anything like that. Dream world: grader for Rosenstein's Roman Republic class.
The weekend in review: lots of fun, lots of coffee, new Vera, new anxiety, not enough Greek, not enough cleaning.
However, I did get some cute shoes, and we made a facebook group for the workshop. Both are important accomplishments.
And if a picture is worth a thousand words, here are a few to make up for the lack of entries.
Me with my two current GSIs.
Me and our classmate-from-the-street turned lunch companion at the Cheesecake Factory
The crew!!!!
Oh, and GIP for Liz, who commended me for my spirited defense of Austen.