Oct 08, 2005 16:40
It wasn't long before I was pretty much moved into my apartment when we realized that we have FLEAS!!! and I don't mean just a few a long disgusting and abhorrent amount of fleas. I'm truly devastated but of course we've leaped into action even though our landlord hasn't. We're spraying, powdering, eco-bombing, mopping, everything and yet they persist. Ugh. I feel like there is something crawling on me at all times so I'm showering all the time. If there is a water shortage in the mid-west you'll know why. And it sucks to have a new apartment and wanting to invite friends over but can't because of some scanky-ness that's not even my fault.
In other depressing move related news. I didn't realize all the the things I would have to buy to stock a new apartment. I set aside a hefty sum that I thought would be more than enough particularly in that there was two people doing the buying but I'm fast approaching that number. I've taken to standing around in Target aisle mumbling about the price of dish racks "$5 dollars! What kind of place is this?"
The good things happening are as follows. I just ordered some new glasses today. My visions hasn't gotten any worse thankfully but my frames are a sight less fashionable than they were when I got them so upgrades had to be made. There was an older Indian lady helping me that was an odd combination of straight-backed school marm, beauty shop gossip and snarky side-liner. Needless to say, she had me at "Hello" and of course was exactly right about which glasses to get even though I tried out a bunch more after she picked them out for me.
Did I mention that my family keeps coming up with reason for me to come back to the house, "you forgot your umm cottonballs." Which is equal parts sweet and obnoxious but I guess that's family in general.
Maybe my next post will be about what a douchebag my landlord is but I suppose that might be a little redundant.
Anyway, I can't seem to pick up any strong enough wireless signals from my apartment so it might take a while before I give up and give in to getting dial-up that'll I'll be around.
Until we meet again, my fellow LJers, I bid thee adieu.