Supernatural 7.05 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Oct 24, 2011 00:02

I was pretty meh about this episode...see my thoughts below.

Yeah, on the whole I wasn't a huge fan. I never really watched Buffy, so while I get the excitement of all the former Buffy fans, I had no special feelings about the guest stars. To be perfectly honest, I found the witch storyline a little boring. I mean, it had the added aspect of the domestic dispute, but even with that, I wasn't particularly captivated by it.

I did like the Sam and Dean stuff though. So...I really didn't foresee them making the Amy thing this big of a deal/dragging it out this long. And so I guess I don't know where they're going with it. I mean, obviously Sam is going to find out at some point, so why is Dean still lying about it?

And I guess...what it comes down to is why Dean killed Amy at all. Did he do it because he thought she wouldn't change (like him), or because he really didn't trust Sam?

I think we have to assume that it's some combination of the two. I would really like to think, that after Hell and the cage and soullessness and the wall breaking, that Dean does trust Sam, but honestly I really do not know. I do, however, think that Dean was at least partially motivated to kill Amy because he thought that he himself couldn't change, and didn't expect a monster to either.

I mean...Dean has obviously been through a lot, and that is weighing on him - Sam's wall, losing Cas, and everything else that he feels guilty over in his life. So if all those issues are manifesting in Dean's mental breakdown, and a side effect of that was him killing Amy, then I sort of get it. And that's why he's still keeping it a secret. I'm willing to accept that after everything Dean has been through, he's just not mentally stable right now, and he's making poor decisions. I can accept that.

(I do want to point out however that Amy - would probably kill again someday. If it meant saving her son. But that's really beside the point.)

So...yeah. I don't know where Dean's head is. I do like that they're maybe/probably exploring it though. The repeated mentions of his drinking this ep caught my eye too. I'm totally cool with exploring Dean's psyche in-depth, if that's what they're doing. It's long overdue.

So I need him to stop lying to Sam and for this SL to stop getting dragged out, but...maybe they do have a plan for it. Sigh. With a bit of distance from the ep, that's what I'm thinking, sort of.

The ep did have its lighter/funnier moments (Sam's "restless leg syndrome!" and Dean's quip about "erotic, kinky love" had me LMAO) and I did enjoy those. But, on the whole, I'm ready for some deeper emotional storytelling. So let's see what happens.

Oh, almost forgot - the random leviathan at the end. I do hope they learn more about him next ep, though I'm not really sure. (The promos looked interesting and I'm a little spoiled for the ep, but I think it'll be a good one.)

episode reviews, supernatural

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