First real post in a while! Well, I've started watching Supernatural...marathoned the whole show last spring, and watched the second half of season six live. I really like S7 so far, and I liked this week's ep, too.
I was really invested in what happened to Castiel, and....while I DO like the way his storyline's been handled so far, I don't think we've seen the last of him.
I really think that everything that's happened to Castiel is in-character for him. Cas is a character that I've always loved, and S6/7 is no exception. To me, it does make sense that an angel, given free will for the first time, would react in this way. Cas thought he was doing what he had to do to save the world. That never changed, IMO. But I also think he made a huge mistake. Opening Purgatory, taking in all the souls...I think that he was wrong to do that. But it's a believable mistake. An angel given free will for the first time could make such a mistake. I do think that Cas's entire storyline up to this point does make sense for his character. And that's why I find it satisfying. Now, as a Cas fan, it IS heartbreaking, sure. But it still makes sense to me.
I liked the treatment of his character in 701 and 702. I actually wound up liking God!Cas more than I thought i would, given that I hated the final twist at the end of S6. But God!Cas was weirdly fascinating and likeable. I didn't predict him leaving so soon, but Leviathan!Cas was creepy in the best kind of way.
That last scene with Cas...well. Like I said, I don't think (hope?) that this is the last we'll see of him, but even so...well. Only time will tell.
I liked this week's episode, The Girl Next Door, too. It was definitely a break from the last two weeks, but I found Sam's flashback storyline pretty interesting. The sympathetic-monster storyline is one we've seen before, but I thought it was handled well here.
As for Dean...well, when he so easily said that he trusted Sam, I cheered. I actually clapped. I loved it - because I do feel like, in order for the boys' relationship to really be okay, Dean HAS to learn to trust Sam. So I thought that was actually happening here and I was so happy. was of course not meant to be. So, here's the thing. I get why Dean killed Amy. She...was a monster, who was killing humans. She said she'd stop, but there's no way to know that for sure, as Dean said. Lenore was different - Lenore wasn't killing humans when they found her, only animals. And when she DID kill a human, Cas killed her pretty much right away. And there's of course Madison.
And Dean has always seen things in black and white. He's always been shoot first, ask questions later; if it's supernatural, it's evil and we kill it. And Sam's always been more trusting, seeing things in shades of grey, more likely to feel sympathy for the admittedly sympathetic monsters that they come across.
I think...that Sam needs to be LESS trusting and Dean more so. I do want Dean to see things in shades of grey, and I thought he had reached that point, but I guess not.
I also think what Dean says to Amy right before he kills her is significant. He basically says that people can't and don't change. And I really think that after what Dean went through last season with Lisa and Ben, he believes this now more than ever. He thought he could change and have that "normal apple pie life." But...he couldn't. He went back to hunting, nearly got Lisa and Ben killed, and ended up wiping their memories as a result.
Now...I happen to think that Dean CAN be happy without trying to change everything about who he is. But that's another topic. For now, what's important is that DEAN thinks that people can't and don't change, and the fiasco with Lisa and Ben is weighing in on him, I think.
So that's why Dean thinks Amy won't change; that, like himself, she's a killer and always will be. Dean can sympathize with doing what Amy did for family, for her kid. But that's why he's convinced that she won't change, and why he had to kill her.
I do hate that Dean lied to Sam about it. And I wish he hadn't done it...that he understood that people can change, that not all monsters are evil. But I get WHY he did it. It wasn't OOC to me at all. Surprising, yes, but inherently it all made sense.
So I liked this week's episode. Not as much as I liked the last two episodes, both of which I loved, but this week was good too.
And, based on the promo, I am VERY excited about next week! Spoilers for the promo: I'm one of the ones that loved Jo, and miss her, plus the premise of the promo looks fantastic!