SPN 7.13 - The Slice Girls

Feb 04, 2012 01:00

Hmmm, I actually really liked this episode! I felt like it was pretty strong overall, and it brought up a lot of things I'd been waiting to see. So, yes, I liked it.

Dean has a monster baby. Once I wrapped my mind around that concept, it's actually brilliant. It draws some amazing parallels to the Sam/Amy situation. The girl may not really have been Dean's "daughter," but she was a being he helped create (and there is evidence that Dean wants kids after all - so this is an issue for him). I think he has at least as much connection to her as Sam had to the first girl he kissed, who he knew for about a day. And in both cases, the girls were really monsters; in Amy's case, she'd killed already and would kill again, undoubtedly, if it was for her son. Emma hadn't killed anyone, but it's pretty clear that she probably would, too.

And it makes sense that Sam wouldn't be able to kill Amy and Dean wouldn't be able to kill Emma. They've both got attachments that make sense despite what the logical, hunter-ly thing would be to do. So they each step up and kill the monster for the other brother. It's actually really nice full-circle. And, there's a lot of potential, because it gives Sam and Dean the opportunity to really step into each other's shoes. I feel like they could really connect over this. Now, they didn't in this ep, but I have hopes that they will.

It also really seems like they're going to deal with Dean's drinking and his emotional issues. Sam seems about one step away from having an intervention with Dean. And - they did kind of talk. Sam bringing up Cas and how Dean’s been messed up, really messed up, since then, and especially since Bobby, is EXACTLY what I wanted to see. An acknowledgement of everything they have been going through. And Sam tells Dean - very emotionally and raw - not to die. Dean says he’ll do what he can. Dean is NOT okay, but this is the boys talking about their feelings in a way that seems real, and good. And I’m okay with that.

So the fact that they talked, plus the potential that the Amy/Emma parallels have, are both positive things for me. This is exactly what I've wanted to see and I'm so very glad the show is moving in this direction.

But, in the interest of full disclosure, one thing I'm not crazy about is the idea of Bobby as a ghost. It seems more like they're going there with this, and I for one am not on board. It just seems stupid. Moreover, if the point of Bobby dying was to isolate the boys, then how does him being a ghost accomplish that? But, if the point is that they have to be isolated, work through their issues, get some peace, and then they get things back - Bobby included - then...that could be okay, depending on how they do it.

I also really liked the MOTW. They were interesting and actually relevant. I sort of started to buy Emma's initial spiel, if for no other reason than it would just figure that a part-monster, part-Winchester would feel that way. Also, would Dean really have killed her? I don't know...I mean, she hadn't killed anyone, and he let Amy's kid go for the same reason, so it's possible, I suppose. Which is why Sam needed to step up and do it for Dean, which I did appreciate.

Also, Dean sex scenes? Never not okay in my book, lol. (Although, WHERE is the handprint? Ahem. That did piss me off.) At the end of the scene, Dean gives this weird, detached sort of look. I first thought it meant he felt really detached from the sex itself, was feeling dead inside, etc. But now I wonder if it’s because he realized something was off - that he had, in fact, created a monster baby. Um. Yeah.

Anyway, I liked the episode a lot - it really gave me what I wanted, and was a solid offering overall.

episode reviews, supernatural

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