The mystery of stupidity.

Apr 16, 2010 16:47

Perhaps I'm naive for thinking about this, but once my brain gets going, it's hard to stop it, sometimes.

I was scanning iTunes reviews of Adam Lambert's album, randomly, for fun.

Half the reviews are five stars, the other half, one star. [This is no exaggeration.] The five stars reviews are typically written in all caps and contain claims such as ADAM IS THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE UNIVERSE, which, while a sentiment I relate to at times, is not something I would write in a fucking album review.

The one star reviews contain any variation on the following: he's gay, he's a homo, he's weird, he looks like a woman, he's got a good voice but he's gay, I'd like him if he weren't gay, [insert homophobic slur here].

After reading these things I just sit back and go, seriously? Seriously? WHERE THE FUCK ARE THESE NEANDERTHALS COMING FROM?

What is the nature of internet trolls? Are they all fifteen year old closeted gamers living in their parents' basements? Sentimental Southern confedaralists with twenty guns and no education to their name? Bored CEOs in cubicles with too much coffee and time on their hands? Sexually starved religious nutcases with a mission to piss off half the world?

Sure, it's cyberspace, which means the lowest common denominator of human empathy can log on wherever and post something infinitely retarded. But is this a true representation of the intelligence of the human race? Because if it is, I am moving to fucking Mars.

internet, adam, music

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