So, my Yuletide story was the one I was secretly hoping it would be so hard that I dreamed about it, and it is excellent.
Beck'ning Shadows Dire, a His Dark Materials fic. My glee cannot be contained. Small Marisa Coulter and her peculiar relationship to the church! Her daemon (with a name!!)! Lord Asriel! There is nothing about this fic that I do not love.
Among the few others I read, there was this totally spot on Atlas Shrugged fic, that really managed to imitate Ayn Rand's tone without touching that broad area of "my relationship with Ayn Rand is very difficult."
The Business of Love is Cruelty, about nearly the only Atlas Shrugged characters who make it worth the thousand pages.
There is also this, this, this. I don't even. Gregory Powell and Mike Donovan are my favorite, favorite things about I, Robot, even more my favorite than Susan Calvin, and they are so very, very married it's not even funny and
Future History really hits it and go read it right now.
And you guys, someone wrote Anathem fic, and it's Lio/Raz, and you have no idea what I'm talking about, but I love it and it's shiny like a shiny thing.
Relics, seriously you should all read Anathem first and then go read this.
I'm up to thirty-two hours of work in three days. Yay for having Christmas off.
And now a seasonally appropriate Daily Show clip.
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