It was my first real fandom! I mean, okay, there was a brief Sailor Moon phase, but then I FELL IN LOVE with Gargoyles and wrote SO MUCH FANFIC. Which is still around somewhere, actually. has the entire series, if you want an invite. is a good jumping off place. CS Hayden, Kellie Fay, Amy Cyrway, Batya Levin, Constance Cochrane, Christine Morgan and Dylan Blacquire are among my favorites, but there's a lot of good things to be had.
I will confess that my stuff is there too, under the name Ithica, and it is bad. Deeply, terribly bad. It was my first fic, I -think- I've improved...I hope so, anyway.
And last year I got the season and a half that's available on DVD off Netflix. STILL SO MUCH AWESOME.
(I was 13 when the show came on in '94, and 16 when I really got into it. Yay for reruns.)
( '94, I was five.)
Reply is a good jumping off place. CS Hayden, Kellie Fay, Amy Cyrway, Batya Levin, Constance Cochrane, Christine Morgan and Dylan Blacquire are among my favorites, but there's a lot of good things to be had.
I will confess that my stuff is there too, under the name Ithica, and it is bad. Deeply, terribly bad. It was my first fic, I -think- I've improved...I hope so, anyway.
-- and, yes, please, an invite would be completely excellent. *_*
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