There is so much to write about and I am backed up as it is. Whether or not I catch up I am going to post about today and keep going forward...
I was able to successfully have a Family Home Evening (FHE) this week. It wasn't this perfect example of what a FHE should be but it was held and it brought a sweet spirit into our home.
What is Family Home Evening (FHE):
It is a religious observance specific for family. As the Lord required the seventh day as a day of rest and commanded a day of spiritual worship on Sunday to honor and worship Him, we have been advised as LDS members (Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) to hold a night, or more, reserved for family observance. It is a way for families to counsel with one another and strengthen bonds between one another. Traditionally, FHE has been held on Mondays, but some families have observed this day on other days of the week, which is fine. The biggest importance is that it is held and that all members of the family should all attend.
President Gordon B. Hinckley said the following in General Conference of October 2002:
"This program was begun back in 1915... when President Joseph F. Smith urged the Latter-day Saints to set aside one evening a week devoted specifically to the family. It was to be a time of teaching, of reading the scriptures, of cultivating talents, of discussing family matters . . . . In the increasingly frantic rush of our lives it is so important that fathers and mothers sit down with their children, pray together, instruct them in the ways of the Lord, consider their family problems, and let the children express their talents. I am satisfied that this program came under the revelations of the Lord in response to a need among the families of the Church.
"If there was a need 87 years ago, that need is certainly much greater today" ("To Men of the Priesthood," Ensign, Nov. 2002, 58).
I think the most valuable thing I love about FHE is that it is a specific time or night devoted to family gathering and enjoying of each others company. It is when homework, television, cooking, cleaning, work, and noise is ALL set aside and we communicate and talk one with another about ourselves and our family. It's a great time to invest in the people who you really love and accept as family. When mother can strengthen ties to son, father can strengthen ties with daughter, and siblings with each other.
In this day and age it seems like a worthy thing to promote. With all the stresses of school and work, and all outside the home activities that take us away from each other, FHE brings us back together to touch base with one another.
I remember reading in a book once about relationships that it is important for a husband and wife to talk to each other without distraction for about 20 minutes a day. This type of communication keeps you both in touch with each other and your relationship stable. It makes sense to also require your family to keep in touch with each other too. I'm sure there are many reasons why it is important to hold a FHE. But at this point in time, I feel the most happy about spending time together and not having distractions. Although sometimes it is hard to keep the boys on the subject at hand. But that's normal at this age.
I want to get into the habit now that Alex is starting school and it is most important for him to have a steady schedule to look forward to. Helps me keep on task too, this summer business of keeping him occupied is much more challenging this year. And I want him to feel like he has the time to be a little kid before he'll be spending all his time in kindergarden this fall. It will be a full day kindergarden... I think he is ready for it. I'm not sure if I'm ready? I'm a little sad because from here on in until he graduates from high school, he'll be out of the house half the day. It's the end of an era.
Now begins the other influences other than mommy. I won't be the center of his world, the director of his time. Other people will start to have him. And I'll miss him a lot. Especially since it has taken me this long to become used to having kids all the time, now I'm feeling comfortable in this position just in time for them to start school and limit my time with them. ACK! I know it has to happen because all children grow up, learn what they need to know, and go off into the world. I'm certainly glad my mom and dad let go of me in degrees and sent me into the world to make my mark too. Now I know how hard it must have been for them to do that. I'm sure I'll continue to discover this difficulty in different ways as the time goes.
This is just the first step. The beginning of the end. I have a pang of loss at that. He's still my baby boy, even if I have his little brother. I love them both equally!!
But we did have fun today. I pulled out the finger paints and we spent the afternoon finger painting together while Ethan napped. I have to say that it brought back memories when I was a little girl and finger painting. I loved doing that. I forgot how much fun it was to put your fingers in paint and smear it all over paper. I did 2 pictures and Alex did 3. It was definitely mommy son time. Alex has been outside twice today to play. I wish Ethan was a little older so he had someone to play with. I'll have to arrange a few friends to come over when they get back from vacationing so he'll have someone to play with off and on the rest of the summer.