May 24, 2006 20:12
Like I've mentioned before... Sometimes Alex takes a nap and sometimes he doesn't. Well, he didn't today. I laid down with him for an hour and a half... I napped... He laid beside me the whole time... half the time making noise and rolling around. So I got up and told him to stay there and take a time out instead.
And he did pretty much stay.
But when things got quiet, I went to check on him. He fell asleep behind the door. And I left him there for a bit but then came back and woke him up and went out of the room. Well, he was cranky so he started crying and just kept crying for about 5 minutes. So I come in there to check on him and he's fine... my patience is completely out so I don't feel like picking him up and consoling him. But eventually because my presence is there he settled down and came to me when I sat down.
THANK heavens I saw that he had POOP on his fingers before he touched me. ACK! WONDERFUL... poop on his hands and I don't know how long he had it there or what he touched or where he touched himself on his face while he was crying or if he'd been playing with it before he feel asleep... when I went into the room it didn't smell so I didn't know until I actually stayed in the room that he had a poopy diaper... EWW!
So he went straight into the bath right then and there... washed him up, wiped down the door with a clorox sheet and called my parents to get some advice about what to do if something yucky got in his eye. Course, my mom laughed her backside off claiming I did exactly the same thing at the same age... Thanks mom... *grumble, grumble*
Tonight, Alex got a time out for not listening. I'm telling him to stay put... he starts crossing his eyes. So I turn to Mike because I couldn't keep a straight face and I tell him... he can't keep a straight face either. He then admits that he did that when he was a kid... great. Now I know where Alex gets it from. I'm doomed to have a smarty pants kid as well as a husband.
The teasing will never end!