Apr 06, 2009 13:50
I think it is safe to finally say that I am feeling better. For a week after the fevers broke I still felt yucky because my nose was still seriously running, sneezing, and at night coughing! So in total, the boys were sick a week, then I was sick a week, and then another week for coughing and yuckiness... total of 3 weeks. ICK! I hate loosing time to being sick!
Sunday night and last night are the first real nights where I feel like I got enough sleep and actually rested. And I don't feel so crappy like I did.
I'm so happy about this. I want to be better completely already and this is just the break I have been waiting for.
This last weekend we finally had Mike's Dad to visit. We cancelled the weekend before that because the boys where sick and so was I. And even when he was out in the evenings I just didn't feel myself still. Everyone but myself went out to the Movies on Friday evening and I didn't go because I wasn't feeling good. (And I really wanted to go.) Friday we also woke up to a flat tire. Lucky for us Mike was home from work and had the time right then to go and get the tire fixed.
It was great to have Grandpa here to visit. The boys really enjoyed having him here. They played and had fun. Went to the movies... all the fun stuff that boys enjoy doing. In a few weeks, Mike is going to go camping with Papa Jim while I attend a writing conference! So the boys are getting a ton of fun time this month! YAY!
We have been lucky enough to have cool weather still. I was sure that by time the community yard sale hit that we'd be having really warm weather. So far it hasn't hit hard yet. So hopefully now that the cold and flu has passed here in our home we can now enjoy a few more weeks of cool weather and cleaning before the hot comes.
I've got a bunch of things in the garage that need to be sold or donated. Hopefully I can get rid of them soon!
Mike was awarded a 2nd Generation iPod Touch for the work he did at work this last fall. Since we already have a 1st Generation iPod Touch that Mike uses, the new one is for me! It's a nice little piece of technology! Although I'm still learning all its wonderful uses, I'm sure enjoying the thing!
Also we just got a Wii! Actually it is still down at Nana and Papa's house. They bought it for us on a discount that they get once a month. We got a great deal. Alex has loved playing on theirs. Many of the games they have are great helps on his sensory issues that we've been working on. In a month I hope to get the Wii Fit which works with exercise and balance. And those will help Alex out too. I'll write more about it when we are actually using it. But we got on that Wii wagon. I'm actually excited to try the Wii Fit for myself. As I've been needing to start some sort of exercise something. I'd like to loose about 10 pounds. Mike and I have been on this new diet together and he's lost a ton of weight. So I decided to try it out. Only been on it a month and I'm starting to see a few results already. Mike has been doing this longer so he has more results than I do. But I'm hoping that the 2 to 4 pounds that I've lost in the last 3 weeks has more to do with the new diet than the fact that I was sick?
Well, just wanted to post a quickie on the family news front! Hope everyone out there is not sick like we are and having a good week!
family visiting us,
technology things