Here is a list of the stores, products, or websites that we like, buy from, or frequent.
Clark HowardDefinitely has lots of great tips! And he has a show too!
Green Mom FindsI'm still watching this site...
Screen It!A wonderful resource to find out exactly what is in the new release movies BEFORE you see them. Neither of us are a fan of tons of swearing so this is very useful in avoiding those disappointing movies.
Consumer ReportsCnet.comAnytime I want to make a purchase I look up the reviews on the item at these sites so I know I'm getting a good product!
Coupon SenseAlthough I'm not doing Coupon Sense anymore, I really REALLY liked them as a resource. Since we are now doing more and more organic items, getting coupons doesn't work for us as much as it used to. But many family and friends we know use this and if I wasn't doing more organic things I would to because I love the fact that they announce when things are on sale and where the sales are. GREAT GREAT GREAT resource, saves you lots of time and it practically pays for itself in the time you save!
Marriage BuildersGreat marriage tips and information. The books are great too. We both highly recommend them. AND this site has a free stream of online radio show! So you can get a direct line to advice instantly!
Simply AudiobooksI used this company for two years before I found that my library was cheaper. I love simply audiobooks though. And I will go back when I run out of audio books at the library, IF. I tried, wasn't as satisfied with the perks. With simply audiobooks you are sent a packet of discs, listen to them, send them back, you get more. With Audible you are limited to one or more downloads a month. SA sends them to you continually. Only down side is that sometimes the mail is slow... but GREAT customer service!
Net Slang DictionaryGreat to review when you are not sure what LOL, BFF, DH, MIL, SIL, OMG, and many others mean.
The Mittleider Gardening MethodOne of the best gardening methods in the world for high produce making plants. Dr. Jacob Mittleider was one of the most successful gardeners in the world and could grow a garden anywhere and in any soil! He's written several books and taught thousands his methods of gardening. His organization is now carried on by Jim Kennard, who I took my class from! I was very impressed. So the link to that method is here. Yay!
Trader Joe'sWe do 90% of our shopping at this store. GREAT DEALS! Decently priced good food!
Whole Foods MarketAlthough it is not as good as Trader Joe's they still have a few things that I like to get from time to time. Plus, I loved their baby food when we where still feeding Ethan that. Now that he isn't eating that anymore I don't go as often as I used to.
SproutsBetter quality produce, better prices.
Bum Genius Cloth DiapersGoodmama CLEANING SUPPLIES:
Household Products DatabaseMethod Products CHILDREN & BABY LINKS:
Sign 2 MeSign with Me HEALTH & EXERCISE:
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