Jan 02, 2009 23:31
We got a chance to see Mike's sister, Jenny, and her husband this morning on their way out of the state. We had lunch together and chatted! We also had a chance to see their little boy Kayden who is going to be a year old this month! He's gotten SOOO big! Still bald, beautiful bright eyes!! Looks just like his daddy! Amazing. We should have took pictures but we didn't. Shame on us!
We dropped them off at the airport after lunch. Wish we could have had more time to spend with them.
If all works out well, maybe Colton will be able to have his student teaching here in Arizona next winter and we'll see them more again. And the cousins will get a chance to play together! Alex was just tickled to be with his little cousin. I'd love to get a few photos of them playing together!
So nice to have Mike off for a 4 day weekend!
The rest of the day... took a nap and continued to work on the boys room. At the beginning of this week Nana had both the boys for a visit and a little break for me. Best time to do it since we are on winter break from preschool. While the boys were with her, Mike and I where able to go on a date without having to rush back to get a babysitter home. And during the day while he was at work I started painting the boys room. I've planned to do it for a while but I hadn't gotten around to it. I'm not doing a completely new paint job, just adding to what we already have.
We have also turned Alexander's bed into his bunk now. Ethan is going to be 2 in May and will be in a big boy bed soon enough. So we wanted Alex to have a chance to practice sleeping in the top bunk before hand. He's doing great and loves it!
Anyhow, I'll post pictures of the new paint job when it is done. I've got a few things left to do since I couldn't get it all done in one sitting. I did some more on it today, but more is left to be done.
family visiting us,
home improvements