Two day report

Nov 04, 2008 15:20

So much to do and so many little moments happen, and they pass by without getting a chance to be shared. Life happens so fast!!

I wish it was easy to stop time and make an entry at every little second that goes by that something happens that I can share here. But I can't so I do what I can.

I have a few things I've been saving to share:
* bedtime routines
* favorite song
* voted today
* morning at the park

So I'm going to make a long post today and share all at once. Can't possibly cut it all out!


Yesterday I volunteered at Alex's Preschool in the afternoon. I usually do it in the morning but I wanted to try an afternoon just for kicks. Seems like fun and I like afternoon just as much. Alex had a hard time choosing good choices but Ethan was wonderful in the nursery. Some of the ladies commented about how he just loves to read books, he sits down in your lap and pays attention, and even helps turn the pages! And they are so right. Ethan loves books. Just in the last few weeks we've gotten on a routine where in the evening Ethan gets to choose a book to read just like his big brother Alex does. Ethan will literally run to the book case and pick out a book he likes and runs back to climb in your lap and eagerly awaits you to start. He laughs and giggles all the way.

If he doesn't get a book, he makes a big stink about it. If mommy doesn't rock him and sing him a song before putting him in his bed, he makes a big stink about that too. Ethan also loves getting his teeth brushed if you get past the first few 30 seconds of upset and let him help too. It's just amazing to watch him want to do exactly what his 5 year old brother does.

Alex is a good example. He does all of these things too. We read books, scriptures, and pray together with both the boys. Then we split them for the rocking and singing part. (Ethan is getting better about prayer time, but he still needs some work, and that will come in time.) Once I have Ethan down, Alex calls to me from his room right next door to Ethan's to have me give him a kiss, hug, and to sing to him. This is a nightly thing.

I think the best part of all of this is that it's me they ask for. I know it won't be around forever. They are going to become teenagers and they won't want me to come in and sing to them, or give them hugs and kisses? So I'm usually pretty good about being there and doing it every night. And who knows maybe I'll get lucky and have teenagers that want me to come in and wish them goodnight too? It could happen right?

*crosses fingers*


Every time the boys and I get in the car I have my selection of the children's hymns playing in the car. Mostly this is because I want them to learn the songs so they know the words when they go to primary. The only way to do this is to play them over and over again. Sometimes I'm amazed at how fast they pick up the songs. It also brings a good spirit to our drives too. I feel calm, they sound happy, and the day just seems that much happier. And believe me there are plenty of times for the grumpies to sneak in. So whatever we can do to get it back to the calm is fabulous.

The good thing about listening to the children's hymns is hearing the ones I loved when I was a kid that may not be the most popular ones in the current primary. I mean every primary has their favorites. And there are so many to choose from too. So listening to the discs and having new unfamiliar songs play is a definite good thing.

It brings a good spirit and that is the best point.

My favorite children's hymn when I was a kid was "My Heavenly Father Loves Me." I still love that song. It talks about butterfly wings, roses, lilacs, the sky, and how all of these things that are wonderful remind me of the love Heavenly Father has for me. I've always liked those descriptions even when I was very little. So hearing that song again just reminded me of all of that. And I just had to write that down because someday the kids may want to know that too.

Nana's favorite one when I was a kid was "Army of Helaman." So when that one comes on I always tell Alex that it is Nana's favorite song.


Today I went to the Park for "Park Day." Alex is out of preschool because of the election. His preschool was a voting area and they thought ahead and moved the teacher inservice to election day so the children wouldn't have to be on the campus during the voting hours. Which I think is smart. It's a mad house enough for just the preschool picking up and dropping off, now add voters too. That would be drama. So they were wise to do that.

So we had to go and do something on the day that Alex is out of school. Park day here we come. I got a chance to vote near the end of the afternoon because several church friends where there and one of them graciously volunteered to watch the boys. Yay! There weren't any lines so it was pretty smooth at the voting booths.

Ethan had his first ride on a swing. Which was fun cause he giggled his little belly laugh and it was just the cutest thing. Alex had fun running around and taking his shoes off. And then Ethan took a tumble from a high spot. Little stinker! Scared me half to death but at least he landed on his feet. With all the kids running around doesn't surprise me that he tried to get off like the big kids did! Crazy kid. Ethan cried but it was more for being startled than because he hurt himself bad. And he didn't, just a few scratches.

But it was enough play to tire them both out! So I get to type up this entry this afternoon. I didn't have my camera but I did have my cell phone that has a small camera on it. And I took some shots but I have to email them to myself so I can share them. And I won't do that till later today. I'm so behind on photos. But I have them. Just need to get them online and all.

Well, while I have a few more moments to get a few things done I better do them. I could just spend all day writing about the kids and what we've got going on if I didn't pull away. It's so tempting to, but my time is so limited as it is. I got all the good stuff down, no time to linger too much.

ethan, alex, songs we sing, memory making, bed routine

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