school is hard

Mar 28, 2018 18:15

Hey everybody it looks like my last post never actually sent, so that's great. General updates: I've been single since New Years and I am a lonely lil lesbian though I do have cool friends, I have a second cat named Missy now, I drive for uberEats which is lucrative enough when I actually remember to leave my house, my classes require a ton of work which is exhausting to put in, I've converted three more people to Doctor Who watching through my now tried-and-true method of showing them Blink immediately followed by The Eleventh Hour, and I got a new hyperfixation a few weeks ago in the form of The Worst Witch (2017) and one Hecate Hardbroom and might??? actually??? get another fic written??????

That's a pretty good overview I think. I gave a class presentation on the Clexa debacle yesterday (for those of you who know what that is) and now I'm a bit emotionally exhausted having to dredge all that mess back up so I watched some soothing Xena to put me in a better mood. I've been fiddling around on my computer today doing some more of my defensive driving course (you don't come to a full and complete stop before turning right at an empty intersection in the middle of the night One Time Ugh) amongst other things.

What all have you lovelies been up to?

life things, life is hard, tww2017, missy the cat, random, dw, adulting, personal, melody the cat

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