Camp NaNoWriMo Doctor Who fanfic cabin

Jun 21, 2014 15:15

Hey everyone! Some of you may have heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) where you try to reach a 50,000 word count goal during November. Well, in July they do Camp NaNoWriMo, with "set your own" word counts, and cabins with other writers to chat with about what you're working on or pretty much anything else.
I've signed up for the Camp, and this year they've added Private Cabins, where people who know each other and want to write together can make their own group. I made one and I'm planning on working on my Ten/Donna fanfic.
So basically, I'm wondering if any of you lovely people would like to join me. Want to set a goal and churn out a bunch of Doctor Who fanfiction this July along with other people doing the same? Then sign up, let me know your username and I'll invite you to the Cabin.
Hope I see you there!
Note - right now I and starjargon are the only people in the cabin. I'm going to be working on Ten/Donna, and she's doing Eleven/River, but any other focus is welcome. The point of a cabin is to help each other get through writing difficulties and work out story ideas, so if we all have the same basic knowledge and similar affinities, it should be really productive. :)

Also, make sure you've deselected "I don't want cabin invites" in the cabin settings ;)

nanowrimo, call to action ;), fic writing, doctor who

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