I made a pocket! I have made a few before, but this is my first super pretty decorated pocket, made of linen and (gasp!) silk for the embroidery and for the binding. It's also geeky, and that makes me happy.
I entered the baronial A&S Championship here in Madrone, and didn't win, but did ok. The pocket, and Reynier's shirt is what I entered. They only require one entry here to go for champion! I swear it is usually a lot more than that. I really didn't expect to win, but I figured it would be a good way to announce my presence and start making friends in the barony.
I finally got around to finishing a pair of rather modernish stays that I started working on about 18 months ago.
In a way, I am very happy with them, I think they look nifty, and they are pretty comfortable, considering the goofy steel boning. I would never enter this into a competition, and I really don't have any dresses that would benefit from stays. But I guess I have them now, so maybe they'll come in handy at some point.
Continuing the red and white (and sort of AS2) theme, I am making a wool and silk short cloak, based off of the Pattern of Fashion pattern, the one with the hood. I searched online, using all of the terms I could think of, but I didn't see anyone that had made that hooded short cloak pattern. I was hoping to get some information on how it looks when worn, especially the hood and funny tabs hanging from the hood. Reynier is making the same pattern but with dark brown wool, and a different type of decoration pattern. I was jealous of his project until I found a few pictures in the Frauen Trachtenbuch that showed ladies wearing short cloaks too, like this one.
It's funny how many times I had looked at this picture before, mainly because I was trying to make her hat, but I never really payed attention to her short cloak before. It's nifty, and the shoulder treatment seems familiar... the lines and buttons on the side look like they are purely decorative, and I feel like I have seen vaguely similar things on loose over gowns?