Jul 09, 2007 14:16
whats going down ballahs????
so here i am in guelph ontario, my current place of residence, if anyone is surprised to hear im sorry i didnt tell you about it, it seriously happend very fast, i mean with getting this house and everything.
its lovely here, our house is nice i guess, not really what i would want to live in all the time. Its a sublet for the summer in a house that i usually shared by 4 guys in the school season, so you can guess how clean it is and what kind of shape its in, oh and theres rap poster everywhere and sports shit, and theres giant centipeds in the bathrrom, they hide out there at night, i have yet to see them (usually because i make gary check it out first) our roomies call the THE PEDS dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnn.
oh and yes we have roomates. just this dude and his gf, their nice but they are moving out inlike 2-3 weeks so we will have the place to ourselves. oh and this house has the SCARIEST basement ever, and there a picture of jack nicholson from the shinning, you know when he breaks down the door with the axe and goes 'HEREEEEES JONNY'
andyways that poster it up on the wall and it scares me really bad at night, so gary told me to pretend like his head is stuck in a toilet, or that he is staying something like '' ouch my head is stuck HONEY ya HONEY CAN YOU HELP ME OUT'' . Gary so nice, he makes me feel better all the time, i just love him.
right now im in the university library, me and gary wanted to walk to the mall but its soo fucking hot we decided to take a break here sinces its a little over halfway to the mall. oh on saturday they have a farmers market here, and
its soooooooo much fun, me and gary got all these wonderful veggies and i cant wait to cook with them.
expect me dont have jobs yet and the house doing have very good cooking utensils so i cant do anything real special yet. oh well, everyone please think happy and positiv-ely about me so that i will get a wonderful job here in guelph.
take it easy and slee-zee ya'll