Cataract Surgery

May 28, 2019 15:31

 I've done some reading online but no one is answering these questions. My mom is gong for cataract surgery on both eyes. Eye 1 will be first and then a month later eye 2 She is nearsighted and needs to wear glasses to walk, eat, drive, watch TV, move about safely

1. During the one month between the 2 operations - how will she see? Her old glasses will not work on Operated Eye. I've read some people had to pop out the one lens of the old glasses so they can see

2. During the weeks after Second Eye surgery she will have even worse vision. Neither eyes will be able to see through her old glasses. They will give her a new prescription BUT.......

The doctor told her they will not give her a new prescription until one month after her second surgery. It will then take another 4-6 weeks for those new glasses to be made. What is she supposed to do for those 2 months? She is a senior at risk for falls and relies on good vision to walk safely

The new lens will most likely be fixed to give her 20/20 long distance vision.  She will have to use reading glasses or bifocals to read. She will also have problems with computer work - most progressives offer too small a 'slice' for middle vision (computer work)

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