cesperanza posted:
Signal Boost: TWiM, Issue 10: February 6, 2019 I am not your user-generated content! I am not your Amazon influencer! I don't need your real time approval! I am not writing fanfic to build an audience to sell them pop tarts or car wax or whatever the fuck the product is. I am desperately trying to be done with the commercialized interweb, people. I have the AO3 *hugs the AO3* and I am going to figure out out something else, something ad free, for social media*: and yes, btw, Hubzilla is coming along NICELY, but we have to figure out how to make it nice(r) for artists and vidders, because the OTW doesn't do that part well enough** , so we have to make this next thing do arts and vids well. But I am done done done done done*** with this sort of thing
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