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Posted in full at: at November 30, 2015 at 09:54AM
Own a piece of fandom history.
One of my favorite used fanzine agents is selling a few zines on eBay. But
check out their (ugly, yes it truly is) website where they offer thousands of more zines. They agent for other fans and their prices are much better than on eBay or buying new. Every fandom you can possibly imagine - and possibly even a few fans you can’t. Their website sometimes lags their inventory, so if you don’t see a zine or a fandom, write to them. And don’t forget you can use
Fanlore to learn more about a specific fanzine.
Tags:fanzines, fandom history, fanzine history, Starsky & Hutch, Miami Vice, star trek: the next generation, het, slash, DWCrosspost
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