Supernatural Season 4 Rec List

Apr 25, 2012 20:57

 Gen, het, wincest, or J2. Any type of fic: funny, dark or death or romantic or schmoopy. Categories are sub-divided into "short' and "long". The only "rule": one rec per category subdivision per season per person. Because I'd like to offer a wide range of authors, please no self-recs.  Use the category threads below to leave your rec.  Minimum info needed: story title, author, and current link. Note: I play fast and loose with the short and long categories. Also there may be typos and formatting weirdness - please ignore them. Broken links, however, please let me know.

And to anyone clicking on the links: in order to read many  of these stories you must be over the age of 18. Some stories may not have warnings. So caveat lector.

Season 4 (stories written between September 2008-August 2009)

Obligatory read after watching each episode: Kroki Refur's "Ten Expressions"  episode review picspams (broken into seasons 1-4)

Gen - Short (under 15,000 words)  
Gen - Long (over 15,000 words)  
Het- Short (under 15,000 words)

Het - Long (over 15,000 words)

Wincest- Short (under 15,000 words)
Wincest - Long (over 15,000 words) Slash - Other (includes Dean/Castiel) RPS- Short (under 15,000 words)  
RPS- Long (over 15,000 words)

Vid Recs  You may need to leave the vidder a note for a current link to the vid)

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