stupid pop-ups.

Feb 26, 2006 19:14

So I finally got out of the house today.
It started out decent, Drew and I got William and headed to Boone, picked up Meggie and ate, then piddled around at stores THEY wanted to go to then went to the concert. I got to see Neily, gave him his fleece that his Mother bought for him and that's about all. I made Drew drive, because I hate driving, he complained about that. I was tired so I wanted to take a nap, he complained about that. I wasn't too keen on him driving over 200 miles to see some girl that a isn't his mother and b isn't me. He got mad about that. Okay so it wasn't that bad of a day, just the end of it was pretty depressing.

So I've missed school, and alot of my college class. I'm sure you are all concerned... Here we go,
Monday I was feeling pretty bad so I told mom I wasn't going to voice, well that pissed her off and she said I was lieing. So Tuesday rolls around and it still hurts. She doesn't do anything about it. Wednesday rolls around and I finally can't swallow a damn thing, and haven't eaten anything since Monday. So she takes me to the doctor. What do I have? Strep and a stupid ear infection. So I go home and sleep. Thursday rolls around and I can't talk, yea it's pretty bad I can't even stick out my tongue, my moms like oh well hum I dont know what to do. So I sleep more. Here comes Friday I still can't talk so she's like well lets go to the doctor. Okay well we decide to go to the EAR NOSE AND THROAT doctor, of course Dr. Philips doesnt work on Friday which is a crock. So we go BACK to the people that said I had strep throat. They're like nah that doctor was wrong, it looks like you have a periodontal abses. I'm like great what the fuck is that? She's like well you will have to go to Winston to get it taken out. Oh lovely right? So we go to Winston. They spray a dab a DAB of numbing stuff on the back of my throat cram 4 needles down there then cut where they crammed the needles then stick another one in there and then something else to get out the infection. So needles to say by this point the doctors pretty pissed that I have this A because I have ALREADY had my tonsils taken out, which by the way Dr. Philips, yes the one that was NOT working Friday, supposedly taken out. Well, he apparently didn't get all of the tonsil, which made this doctor furious. I think we are going to have some name-calling between these doctors sometime soon. Anyways, I go back tomorrow to see if it is all better, which hopefull it should be...
This was useless. Actually it wasn't. Dont go to Dr. Philips.
There, something positive came out of this.

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