Sep 29, 2006 10:25
got free stuff at napier freshers fair yesterday
lots of free booze ended up missing all my classes but i dont really care muhahahahahahahahaha
oops shit nooooooooooo i missed an assesment crap crap crap
fuck it i dont care ill do it at end of term and be more prepared so meh
in other news that bird i liked is again in mylife oh joy of joys
shes finised with the junkie from fife again lol
so im talking to her agian
met up wi her at her work and something (i found predictable) happened
the fukwit turned up haha and stood out side the shop for ages
it was rather anoying too say the least
BUT we went on this quite nervouse but sureal little adventure
we escaped out the back door of claires acsesories into te wee twisty corridoors up some stairs and along another long corridoor out a fire exit and
into the food court we then went out another door leading to a closed carpark that the lorries go to
then in true mission impossible went out and scaned the area for the freak in blue denim
we ventured out and up to a bus stop that he wouldnt hopfully wouldnt walk passed but he found us as true stalkers do
this man needs to get a grip
and realize that they broke up she doesny like him
hes nea braw ataw and needs te get hame
put on some weight the skinny junkie cunt
and wear less denim this aint the ninties dumb ass