May 22, 2005 19:28
i think people are boycotting commetning on my LJ. lol. j/k...4 real i need some comments though!
last night was fun. me and will went to his house nad watched troy, which sucks big ones. well, minus o bloom and sexy as HELL brad pitt. yum yum yum that man is fiiiiiiiiiine. anyways, we watched it and bonded and it great. i have 2 figure out what to get him for graduation. PLEASE GIVE ME IDEAS! i have no CLUE. rachie said a microwave...i love ya rach, but no. lol. i am kinda sad b/c i missed out on the partieis and stuff this weekend, and didn't get 2 hang with my friends...but...ONLY 5 MORE DAYS! then everyday is friday and everyone will hang 24/7, hopefully. I CANNOT WAIT 4 SUMMER. is everyone gonig on the last 2 days, or not? i'm not, and i think we should have a big party during the day or somehting. or kick off summer with a day at the pool. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyways. thats all i got.