My night turned out to be a riot.
You must first watch the following before reading the rest of this post.
AtaraxiaMourned: *sigh* my life is fucking boring
braveandcrazyMLE: well, it's more exciting than say.....
braveandcrazyMLE: a birds
AtaraxiaMourned: lol, true.
braveandcrazyMLE: you know what, we just need to be smaller and gayer
AtaraxiaMourned: lol! like you could get any smaller or gayer
AtaraxiaMourned: lol, i just watched an entire episode of South Park
AtaraxiaMourned: on youtube
braveandcrazyMLE: LOL!
braveandcrazyMLE: I'm having a youtube/brokeback mountain moment
braveandcrazyMLE: "I just can't quit you"~Ash to youtube
AtaraxiaMourned: lmao!
Ok, I've lived, I've loved, I've laughed and all in one night. I've got something in my head and on my heart that is bound to come out soon.
I'm going to attempt to go to bed now. I'm pumped full of 800 mg of Ibuprofen so it shouldn't be too difficult.
*laughter* It's mine. Or is it yours? Maybe it's that freaky little kid behind you! Haha, made you look!