This day SUCKS

Aug 21, 2013 22:00

I had to put my baby Loki down today. I knew it was coming, and had started to come to terms. Today he just didn't want to eat, even his treats, wasn't drinking, and seemed to not understand what the litter box was. Hell Figgie, who is always jealous, was even snuggling and gently headbutting him. I called the vets. I know it's silly but I had him cremated and should get him back in about a week. Picked out a nice ern, black stone with paw prints on it. He was always styl'n.
I will miss him. but to was the right thing to do for him.

I am also very angry at Linda. I had called her, to warn her of this. So she would not come home to find he was gone. Thought it was the kind thing to do. I know she loved him, but damnt. If something was going to be posted about this on FB, I would have liked to be the FIRST one to do so. It may sound petty and silly to some, but Linda just loves to be the massager of doom. He was my cat first and foremost, and it is my place to say something or not, not hers. Am I wrong to feel that way? I don't think so. I suppose it doesn't matter. I know she really did love him, and is saddened by all this, perhaps I should just take it as her way of expressing the loss she feels. I'll maybe feel that way tomorrow, tonight I'll be angry.
Rest in Peace Loki, I loved you so.
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