May 16, 2010 01:03
yAAAWWWNNNNnnnn, I should go to bed and will in a minute. But was thinking about Baka last night late when I turned around and the brat had a mousie hanging from his mouth, growling at the kittens. I had just made up my mind to throw him outside when he vanished down the hall.
When I got to bed I tore it apart looking for mousie parts and blood, nothing so I think he is doing a catch and release for the house mice. Drat him. Then tonight I find Gink hard at work sniffing around the bathroom and rug, found little dead mouse, a young mouse (teenage?)so no teeth marks and he was limp so maybe catch and release is too hard on the mouse involved. Baka is still the hunter and the kittens are fascinated by the mouse smell.
Night all