At last..

Apr 07, 2004 09:29

shadow_jess & I will soon be getting Broadband! :-)

This means I will be able to keep up to date with LJ & actually read and comment on people's entries most days like I used to.

Went out properly for the first time since getting ill again on Sunday. bootpunk took me to a great indian restaurant on Camden Road, and then we met missyk8 in the Dev. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be & I had a really good time!

Having said that, the last few days I have had a huge problem leaving the house at all. Though the outing on Sunday improved my confidence a lot. I also managed to read one of shadow_jess's science fiction novels - couldn't concentrate or take in even a paragraph of reading when I was at my worst, so this is a Very Good Sign.

If things carry on like this perhaps they will let me work part-time, otherwise I will go insane from the boredom!
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