Title: Business Trip
Author: Morgan72uk
Rating: R
Word Count - longer than I intended - twice
Disclaimer: About the whole not belonging to me thing...
A/N - so I claimed a prompt by just_drifting_6 which was DeWitt/Dominic - business trip
The broken glass crunches underfoot as she crosses the wrecked bar. )
Angry!Dom to ConfusedandSortofBroken!Dom made me sad (in a good way)
I was also thinking about posting the first 2 parts of the AU I started and opening it up to see if anyone else felt like writing an installment... hint hint
Do you mean the AU you showed me a piece of? I recall that I liked that version of Dom.
Yes, that very AU - I decided that I had written the 'pilot' and could therefore see if anyone else wanted to write an episode of a show that pretty much had Dom and Adelle as the main characters.
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