Public Entry

Sep 13, 2005 09:13

This entry is going to be public and it's not going to be sugar coated.
I cannot stand when people (and this is not specifically directed at anyone specific) take the time to post an entry about commenting to stay on their friends list. I understand this is their own personal journal and they can do whatever they want but why even take the time to post something like that. Personally, I don't always have the time to check LJ every single day - and some days when I do get a chance to check it, it may be only once a day. If you want to make a friends cut - or remove me from your FL just do it - I am not going to to comment on stupid entries like that. To me it seems like a popularity contest as to how many people you can get to comment on your entry - how many people you can get to tell you how wonderful you are and to beg you to stay on your FL. I think after a few weeks, you know with what people you have connected with and who you want to know the details of your personal life. I highly doubt you need confirmation about that. I don't have time for crap like that - it's not for me. With that being said, I am going to do a friend's cut and you don't even have to comment.
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