Nov 28, 2009 18:04
So far in my life time I have spent 33 years with various different people in what I think of as long term relationships (To me it means they last 1 year or more). Three have lasted at least 5 years, one has lasted more then 10. Several of them have overlapped.
I have had sex with approximately 106 people (Based on earlier counts I've taken in my life, and then added on the more recent batch, as I don't exactly remember the names of all the girls from high school, and even less some of the one night stands from various bars and parties [Not sure I knew all their names the next morning]), or an average of a little more then 3 new people each year of the ~34 years I have been having sex.
Out of all of those people I am only aware of two of these people who might not be willing to greet me as a friend if they saw me, and most of them would likely be very happy to see me.
Now, given all of this experience, and vast amounts of data I've collected on my own and in long deep discussions with others [Some of which involved comparing data on the same female], I have come to the conclusion that women and relationships are incredibly confusing. There are times I am still trying to figure out exactly what was happening that one time with that one woman...umm... wait that was almost 20 years ago... Like a General re-fighting old battles and wondering if only I had tried something different would I have gotten the result I wanted?