Nov 03, 2008 21:44
Someone on my f-list asked these questions in their pursuit of finding happiness in a relationship, and I felt my answers said something about me:
1. Do you believe in love? Yes
2. Do you believe in a soul mate? No, not even sure I'd know what it was if I found it
3. Do you find the person you love, or the person you'll settle for? I find the person who makes me the most happy in the here and now. I don't plan the relationship more then a day at a time, and am always aware that it could be over within a minute. This helps me not take the other for granted. And that helps me keep the relationship going.
4. Does everyone lie in a relationship? Yes and no. One often does not tell the whole truth, but must tell enough of the truth that all is known.
5. Is it unrealistic to expect monogamy? I'm poly, but if you state that is part of the conditions of the relationship the you should expect it. As a poly person we have rules for our relationships and we follow them.
6. If you had a massive breakup at some point, when did you finally get back into a healthy relationship? I've never had a nasty break up. I don't have a clue why.
7. Am I worrying about this too much/trying to make it happen before it needs to? If you are trying to make it a relationship, then it is not going to work. It is either going to be a relationship, or it is not. Just let it happen. Just compromise on everything except your principles.
8. (If it applies) Was getting over your first lover harder than any subsequent ones? No, the first one was easy... but then again I was really young, and it was just sex. By the time I was rid of my first love, I was so ready for it to be over.
9. Am I ready for a relationship, in your opinion? Yes, now quit looking so hard for one.
10. Do you believe in fate? What will be will be, but you can change that in an instant.
Mind you, I don't think I'm in the average on these. I've had four relationships last 5+ years, and five more last more then a year, and way to many that only lasted a month or so, and then there is all the one-night-stands... So I have a little experience and a lot of practice.
Oh, and I am a slut.