LJ Idol - Week 3: Brushback Pitch

Dec 15, 2016 22:48

This is an entry for the
therealljidol. If you'd like to read any of the other entries or vote for mine, you can come back tomorrow and the link will be here!

Quick warnings: violence, bullying. You know what will upset you, so keep yourself happy and healthy!

Jack hits him in the stomach with the bat, and Tim slumps to the ground. He gives up.
The bat taps him on the shoulder, like a question, just to watch him flinch.
He's crying now, as the bat hits the ground either side of his aching head, and he tries to curl up tighter.
They kick him over, and he sobs, catching glimpsed of vicious, sharp grins.
He waits for the inevitable incoming mockery.

It's 1359 steps to get home from school.
He can feel the bruises every single step of the way.
Jack is older, has a car, and drives past him honking his horn.
Tim has to run past his dad when he gets in to hide the fact he's crying.

His dad ignores it until his bruises are visible. Then he goes all macho-dad like he never has, and takes him down to the gym, gets the boxing coach to teach him how to throw a punch.
"I don't like the violence, but you need to be able to defend yourself. If it gets worse, you let me know."
Tim won't, but it's nice to have the support.

Jack gets punched in the face on his way to History, and it's Tim. He's shaking, nervous and angry and terrified, but the punch was a good hit.
No one stands up to Jack, ever.
The crowds murmur, teachers to the side, at the ready but unwilling to interefere yet.
He brings up his fist again, fast, almost hits him again, but stops. Enjoys the flinch he gets from Jack, who is slowly retreating into himself, and does it again.

They have to sit next to each other in detention for the next four weeks, every day after school.
Ms Mody doesn't care if they talk or not, just waves a hand and gets her marking done.
It takes a few afternoons, but Jack cracks first, asks about Bio homework.
Tim can' stand him, but who is he to stand in the way of education?

Tim sits in the stands with Jack, waiting for the inevitable opportunity for mockery.
Jack doesn't use a bat anymore, isn't quite as vicious.
Tim is trying, slowly, to expand their circle.
They make each other flinch away from things, words something too-harsh, too-cutting, too-close-to-home but if it works without bruises and with apologetic glances and fistbumps, Tim will take it.

therealljidol; week 3, story, therealljidol; good lord what; writing; , angst angst angst

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