Nov 24, 2006 02:27
So, as clichéd as holiday-themed LJ entries are, I guess I need to do one, because there are so damn many things to be thankful of. Here they are.
1) I told my mom about my decision not to go to med school (which was the decision I mentioned a few entries ago that was making me really happy). She is OK with it, and that sort of finalizes the whole issue in my head. Now comes the simple task of figuring out what the heck I want to do with my life. But whatever, it's a journey!
2) I went out to see the family today, as I always do on these big family holidays. I still have a plethora of adorable and amazing cousins. The oldest girl (she is 10) has a "boyfriend." In quotes because she is ten. Come on! That's adorable. The second-youngest girl is still so incredibly cute it hurts. She is still really shy for a while, but now apparently when she is ready to warm up to you she is in the "do stuff approximately a million times because it's hilarious, especially when it involves knocking people over" phase. She's awesome. And her little sister is disturbingly blonde. And I have the suspicion, even though she's like 1, that she is going to be the badass in the family. Something about her suggests to me that she is going to be a total punk rebel future cyber rocker chick in like 17 years. I am really only mentioning this so that we will have proof once my prediction comes to pass. I will keep you updated on her progress. If her hair has not been dyed and/or spiked by the time she is 16, I am getting her hair dye and whatever kind of crazy future-accessories pass for punk in the 2020s for her birthday. Also the oldest (and only!) boy is really good at Risk. He is 11 what the heck. He pwned me hardcore. I am really happy to be playing strategic board games against him rather than video games, though. It was really cool.
3) I don't really like talking about this kind of thing over livejournal. Those of you who know me well enough either a) already know what is making me so happy or b) can probably figure it out. Feel free to ask if I show up on AIM anytime soon (computer problems - I am using the home PC, which is not allowed to have AIM installed on it). Uh but anyway, to the person who's making me happy: you know who you are. Thank you.
the future