Go go Doctor Gadgets!

Mar 23, 2010 02:47

SO. The Doctor doesn't have any of his own gadgets anymore. They were lost in his original trip to Pete's World (The wrong one) so he's cobbled ones together. Listed here.

The TARDIS - She's not his, she's a TARDIS from a world where there was no Bad Wolf, and the Doctor's life ended with Jack, the Daleks, and every human on Earth. He nursed her back to life and health with his own life energy, and over time she's become accustomed to him, but he isn't as familiar with her or her inner workings as his own TARDIS. She's also equipped with special, semi-unique tech that allows her to adjust to other Time Vortexes, and survive brief exposure to the Void.

Sonic Screwdriver - Retrieved from UNIT in a world where their Doctor drowned destroying a brood of Racnoss. There may be more settings on it than his own - it glows green, rather than blue.

Psychic Paper - Picked up along the way from the same place he got it from in his own world. Nothing special here. So far.

Vortex Manipulator - Jack's, not his. Capable of making short jumps through time and space, but not very reliable.

Void Particle Signal Identifier - Home made tech (as is its bigger cousin), a hand held device capable of tracking and reading Void particles picked up by those who've traveled the Void, allowing the reader to identify where the particles have moved from, by tracking them back to their source universe. The range is limited in the hand held device, but the TARDIS has a much larger one, which allows the Doctor to lock onto the trails' signatures and follow them to the gaps which disturbed the particles.

gadgets, ooc

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