Apr 27, 2006 21:54
important dates to know:
april 29th - lauran's show
may 1st - clay's 17th bday
may 2nd - choir concert for some teachers' breakfast in daphne
may 3rd - jac-o's 19th bday!!
may 4th - something goes here...
may 6th - girl's night...zombies?....pirates? themed at all?
may 12th - 18th BDAY!!!!!!
may 13th - james's 24th bday!
may 15th - final choir concert @6:30 @ RHS cafeteria
may 16th - last day of high school ever! then camping with my girls....plus matt
may 17th - jessica's 18th bday!!!!!! jonathan 21st bday!!!!!!!
may 18th - senior night?
may 19th - BDAY PAR-TAY! my house @ 7. please tell me if you can come my mom is cooking and she wants to know how much to make.
may 20th - lindsay's graduation par-tay
may 21st - baccaloreate(sp?) and ensemble par-tay
may 22nd - i'm sure something is going to be placed here
may 23rd - GRADUATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7 @ football field in R to the Dale then eating at McGuire's EVERYONE NEEDS TO GO!
may 24th - die because of being too damn busy