What Do You Have To Say? - Me Behind The Wheel

Jan 19, 2008 08:08

  Mostly, I sing to the carefully chosen playlist I placed on my iPod. Other than that, I curse worse than a sailor at the people who do not seem to know how to drive. I guess that officially makes me an Atlanta driver because most of the people I shout and shake my fist at are from other states. I see their being from another state as no excuse due to our illustrious city's widely known propensity for traffic jams.

Sometimes, I use my car time to prepare for my day (my drive to work takes about 30 min or so). Other times, I'll replay conversations over again in my head that I'd wished had gone better for whatever reason.

Sometimes I'll pretend I'm someone else instead of the same ol' me. People driving by don't know who I am (unless of course they recognize me from somewhere). I could be anyone driving in a Saturn shoe.

hpmusic2, what do you have to say?, writer's block, car alone

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