Bard of Pain - Chapter 1 of 7 (with an accompanying songvid).
Author: Dusk Peterson (
author's Website and
author's blog).
The Three Lands. You don't need to have read the other stories in the series to understand this one.
Category: Original fiction. Male/male platonic feelings.
Rating: PG-13 for violence.
Summary: In the battle-weary lands of the Great Peninsula, only one fate is worse than being taken prisoner by the Lieutenant: being taken prisoner if you are the Lieutenant. ¶ As the world's most skilled torturer struggles with his change of fortune, he finds that his fate is intertwined with the destinies of an idealistic army commander, an affectionate prisoner, and a protégé who reveres the Lieutenant's art. . . but is on the wrong side of the conflict.
Note: Not a work-in-progress; the story is finished and is being serialized weekly. I announced this novella last year in some places, but I'm reserializing it online in honor of the publication of the booktrailer (songvid), the e-book editions, and the audio edition. Click on the story link for all of these.
The beginning of the end for him (or so it seemed at the time) came in the moment that he stepped into the shadow of Capitol Mountain and was assaulted by a stranger. (
Post comments on this chapter or the songvid at my blog. )