May 31, 2006 12:59
Good bye school year!
Good bye giant twinkie on wheels - I don't have to deal with you ever again!
Good bye people I have annoyed this year!
Good bye cafeteria food!
Good bye overly crowded hallways of doom!
Good by school - I'll be back in July. (Damn you, Chandler school schedule.)
And finally, the best incident on the giant twinkie. And to think it happened the last morning I have to put up with it.
Anyhow, I should begin this by telling you all that my bus driver has the worst case of road rage. Ever. (Think Ms. Crabtree from South Park. "Sit down and shut up!") How she earned her license to operate buses remains a complete and total mystery to me. She usually travels a good twenty to thirty mph over the posted speed limit and floors the gas whenever she comes across a yellow light. In addition to all this, she has a nasty habit of driving up on to curbs and sidewalks, usually knocking over trashcans or recycle bins in the process. I'm surprised she hasn't killed anyone/anything yet. To think that she is trusted by the school district with the lives of at least thirty other people at a time is a scary thought.
Now, as the bus exits the outside of my neighborhood, there's this dip the bus always travels over. Now, one is only supposed to be driving about twenty miles per hour when he/she reaches this. Ms. Road Rage is traveling at about forty or fifty. As a result, everyone sitting towards the back of the bus (where there is little support from the back axel) bounces a good foot of their seats. Wails and screams always ensure. (Even though they've been putting up with it since last July; you'd think they'd get used to it, but I guess not.)
Now, being at the last of the bus stops, I get stuck with last choice of seats. I've noticed a trend in recent years with where everyone sits. Back in junior high, all the "cool kids" sat in the back, whilst everyone else sat near the front. During my freshman year of high school, things seemed to switch up a bit. All the popular kids started migrating towards the front of the bus and everyone else was pushed back. This happen on anyone else's bus or did I get stuck with the defective one?
That being said, I took my usual seat with the rest of the "pond scum of the social hierarchy". Per usual, the bus driver sped out of the neighborhood, getting closer and closer to the dreaded dip. As always, we hit it dip much faster than we should have, catapulting everyone in the back six rows or so out of their seats. Some girl, after a year, decided she was fed up with the abuse to her ass and decided to shout all the way up to the bus driver from hell:
Says her: Damn! You don't need to be drivin' a hundred miles per hour!
Says I: If we were traveling a hundred miles per hour your head would be through the roof right now.
Well, I had to say something to shut her up. The last thing I need is to get in trouble the last day of school. (I just know the whole general are of where the girl was sitting would be in deep shit.) Surprisingly enough, the driver didn't seem to hear. Either that or she was ignoring us. I was half expecting her to pull a Ms. Crabtree, turn around and scream: "What did you say?"