You have just entered room "chat4357567851093014188."
yourbeinignorant: *gives danielle cookie*
x0Zazabi0x: Zazizzle in da houze
EarthIzDoomed: Holla back girl! All I need now is my Asian posse.
x0Zazabi0x: B-a-n-a-n-a-s
yourbeinignorant: hahaha i know a mexican who doesn't know spanish
EarthIzDoomed: This shit is Bananas!
yourbeinignorant: be jelous
EarthIzDoomed: You spelled 'jealous' wrong.
yourbeinignorant: stfu
culdi linex2u x3: whos zazabi?
EarthIzDoomed: *Cut* *cut* *cut*
yourbeinignorant: RAINBOW CUTS!
x0Zazabi0x: I am.
yourbeinignorant: with happy markers
EarthIzDoomed: You’re a wimp, Kaitlin.
yourbeinignorant: ya i know
VELOislove757 has entered the room.
EarthIzDoomed: OMG NEW PERSON!
yourbeinignorant: OMG FAE!
VELOislove757: ello
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: dello
x0Zazabi0x: I'm so emo I do Harikiri instead of slitting wrists
yourbeinignorant: ello dello fello
culdi linex2u x3: who is zazabi???
EarthIzDoomed: That's pretty emo. =(
yourbeinignorant: what is Harikiri
yourbeinignorant: is that a drug
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: matbe
yourbeinignorant: lolz
x0Zazabi0x: Um.. suicide with a fatal katana stab to the belly
VELOislove757: who is everybody i onyl no danielle and kailtin
yourbeinignorant: HI FAE!
VELOislove757: hi
yourbeinignorant: I KNWO YOU!
EarthIzDoomed: I pity you, zazabi. You and you're emoness. You need a visit from Rippy the Razor.
x0Zazabi0x: I need a help seminar.
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: *does limbo*
yourbeinignorant: FEA IS RAD!
EarthIzDoomed: Who is Fea?
VELOislove757: i no who ur
x0Zazabi0x: I am Poop Dog.
VELOislove757: i no that 2!!!!!
yourbeinignorant: poopy!
XStevieX1120 has entered the room.
x0Zazabi0x: The gangsta spectre of defeat.
Snuffles7135 has entered the room.
skoorbyllib3 has entered the room.
VELOislove757: who is evrybody!!
EarthIzDoomed: Look at all these people!
VELOislove757: im so lost
XStevieX1120: ok so whos all in here?
kRaZeBrUnEttE92 has entered the room.
VELOislove757: more then ususal
EarthIzDoomed: We are so scene, you guys!
VELOislove757: im fae
xHuGsAnDkIsSeS92 has entered the room.
yourbeinignorant: FAE!
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: hi
XStevieX1120: Hi fae!
xHuGsAnDkIsSeS92: hey
yourbeinignorant: DANIELLE!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: look how many people r in here
x0Zazabi0x: The text is far to colorful.
EarthIzDoomed: Hey Kaitlin, exactly how many people are you inviting?
yourbeinignorant: 12!
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: wow theres lotsa people in here
yourbeinignorant: i'm not inviting ppl
EarthIzDoomed: Then who the hell is? It’s overpopulated!
XStevieX1120: Hey ppl
AZcutiegirl101 has left the room.
EarthIzDoomed: NOES!
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: fine leave loser
skoorbyllib3 has left the room.
xHuGsAnDkIsSeS92: who is everyone??
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: HEYY
EarthIzDoomed: x2
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: ohh drop it like its hot
yourbeinignorant: ILY!
yourbeinignorant: LOZL BFF!
XStevieX1120: Im stevie
EarthIzDoomed: Hey, boyfreind. :-*
XStevieX1120: this is so confusing
XStevieX1120: Im a chick
x0Zazabi0x: Ah god my eyes.
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: oh lala
EarthIzDoomed: YOU ARE?
VELOislove757 has left the room.
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: haha
EarthIzDoomed: NOOOOOO!
XStevieX1120: Durrh
yourbeinignorant: NO FAE! FAE IS MY BFF!
EarthIzDoomed: I was hitting on a girl? NOOOOO!
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: danielle
yourbeinignorant: so is danielle
EarthIzDoomed: I'm such a lesbo, you guys. =(
yourbeinignorant: DANIELLE ILY!
EarthIzDoomed: What?
yourbeinignorant: OTHER DANIELLE ILY!
EarthIzDoomed: =(
yourbeinignorant: OTHER PPL ILY!
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: me
EarthIzDoomed: Ignoring me?
yourbeinignorant: BFF
yourbeinignorant: BFF!
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: oh im a girl?
yourbeinignorant: LOLZ
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: whats that meannn
XStevieX1120: Which same is it?!?!?!
yourbeinignorant: HAHAHA!
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: im so confused
XStevieX1120: me 2
yourbeinignorant: sammie!
yourbeinignorant: ILY!
yourbeinignorant: I love you! best friend foreva
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: ILY
yourbeinignorant: ILY!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: ILY
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: derr ive know that since like iwas born
x0Zazabi0x: Penis.
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: OK shut up everyone!
yourbeinignorant: : o that was naughty
EarthIzDoomed: dVillainy/kRaZeBrUnEttE92: that was random shhhhh!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: everyone type in yout name~!
XStevieX1120: Stevie
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: Danielle
yourbeinignorant: KaItLiN! DANIELLE IS MY BFF
EarthIzDoomed: I know I am, Kaitlin.
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: SAMMIE orr SAM
EarthIzDoomed: Orla!
x0Zazabi0x: Penis! :o
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: im really confuseddd
EarthIzDoomed: How can you be confused about typing your name?
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: i know guuurlfriend
yourbeinignorant: no the other 1
EarthIzDoomed: Kaitlin, that just made my self esteem go from 88% to 0%!
XStevieX1120: Im confussed
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: lol
EarthIzDoomed: It's true.
x0Zazabi0x: So.. How 'bout 'dem Cowboys?
yourbeinignorant: HECK YSU!
Snuffles7135: hahaha
EarthIzDoomed: They rock!
yourbeinignorant: i wanta popsical
EarthIzDoomed: OH EM GEE DALLAS!
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: or a 100 callorie pack
EarthIzDoomed: Debbie does Dallas is my favorite movie!
yourbeinignorant: ...
EarthIzDoomed: That's why I like dem Cowboys!
x0Zazabi0x: I don't believe i've seen that
EarthIzDoomed: OH EM GEE! YOU HAVEN'T?!?!?!
yourbeinignorant: hahaha i'm so confused
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48 has left the room.
EarthIzDoomed: Kaitlin's ignorant.
yourbeinignorant: I SAW THE SIGN
x0Zazabi0x: Noez.. I r teh lame
EarthIzDoomed: Just look at her screen name.
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: who me?
EarthIzDoomed: Yes you are. LAMERZ:-$
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48 has entered the room.
x0Zazabi0x: *ego takes a blow*
yourbeinignorant: MY BFF IS BACK
yourbeinignorant: she's using the secrent lang
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: they are making fun of my sn
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: it kicked me out of the rrom!
EarthIzDoomed: Lang?
yourbeinignorant: LANG!
EarthIzDoomed: Is that like wang, Kaitlin? Kaitlin loves the wang!
yourbeinignorant: LNAG!
x0Zazabi0x: Wang is one of the better words of the english language
yourbeinignorant: no like lang arts
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: WEINER!!
EarthIzDoomed: Wang arts!
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: im still confused
EarthIzDoomed: Finger painting with my wang is my favorite activity. (Or it would be...)
x0Zazabi0x: I don't think it would be finger painting any more
Snuffles7135: okay, you crazy kids, have fun now, dont hurt yourselves
Snuffles7135 has left the room.
EarthIzDoomed: It wouldn't? NOES!!!
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: me and sam have cool dance moves
x0Zazabi0x: It would be "wang painting"?
EarthIzDoomed: Pfft, not as cool dance moves as them black people.
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: as in my friend sam and me
EarthIzDoomed: *Sam and I. Use correct grammar, please.
x0Zazabi0x: Leik omg a/s/l lol :-)
EarthIzDoomed: 14/F/CALI
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: asshole
EarthIzDoomed: Wanna cyber lol?
x0Zazabi0x: Tottally
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: yeahh babyy
EarthIzDoomed: Ur not sum creepy 40 year old dud, rite?
x0Zazabi0x: No.. Me? No.. of course not you're being ignorant
VELOislove757 has entered the room.
yourbeinignorant: fea is comin back
VELOislove757: im gonna get lost again
yourbeinignorant: FAE!
yourbeinignorant: ILY!
EarthIzDoomed: Hey, girlfriend.:-*
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: help me out
x0Zazabi0x: I'm now a 40 year old stalker.
EarthIzDoomed: OMG! *blocks zazabi*
x0Zazabi0x: Fear me!
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: go have a dncae off
EarthIzDoomed: Stay away, you child molester!
yourbeinignorant: DANCE OFF!
VELOislove757: '''does happy spaz monkey dance''
yourbeinignorant: I got served on a sliver plater
EarthIzDoomed: It's cause you're white.
x0Zazabi0x: This text really is killing my eyes
yourbeinignorant: ya i know
EarthIzDoomed: Seizure inducing.
x0Zazabi0x: Quite
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: i have to show you my moves one day
EarthIzDoomed: The text in here is bad for your sight.
yourbeinignorant: orange
x0Zazabi0x: Heart?
EarthIzDoomed: Are you ready for some bedroom fun?
yourbeinignorant: OMG I ORANGE HEART YOU GUYS!
x0Zazabi0x: Cyber? lolz
VELOislove757: DUH!
x0Zazabi0x: 40/M/Across the Street
EarthIzDoomed: OMG SO HAWTTT!
EarthIzDoomed: PWNED!
x0Zazabi0x: I think I'll revert to 16/M/AZ now I'll go with that
yourbeinignorant: renea is my magical bith!
EarthIzDoomed: I thought you were a hot 40 year old pimp! You lied to me!
XStevieX1120: wait is everyone in here girls?
x0Zazabi0x: I'm a hawt 16 year old pimp :o
yourbeinignorant: x0Zazabi0x this person isn't
x0Zazabi0x: What?
yourbeinignorant: your not a girl lolz
EarthIzDoomed: Discrimination!
x0Zazabi0x: Of course not I have a wang
VELOislove757: yussssss
EarthIzDoomed: Let's talk about our periods and make him uncomfortable!
x0Zazabi0x: I've heard about them..
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: there is too many people in here
EarthIzDoomed: We'll kick you out then!
yourbeinignorant: ya i know
VELOislove757: damn ppl
EarthIzDoomed: All in favor of booting kRaZeBrUnEttE92 out, say I!
yourbeinignorant: NO!
EarthIzDoomed: IIIIII
VELOislove757: again!!!!!!!
x0Zazabi0x: Booting who?
yourbeinignorant: I orange heart sammie
EarthIzDoomed: You guys suck so much anus, you know.
yourbeinignorant: NO!
EarthIzDoomed: She e-hates me.
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: huh? I don’t hate anyone I’m a lovah not a hatta
EarthIzDoomed: I was just kidding.
x0Zazabi0x: She deserves ban!
EarthIzDoomed: BAN HAMMER
yourbeinignorant: orange ehart!
EarthIzDoomed: Ehart?
VELOislove757: do da di dum do da di dumm duummm duuuuummmmmm….I’m confused.
x0Zazabi0x: Amelia Earhart?
EarthIzDoomed: About your sexuality?
VELOislove757: no
yourbeinignorant: Amelia Earhart?....WTF!
kRaZeBrUnEttE92: wait whos dat
x0Zazabi0x: I probably spelled that wrong
EarthIzDoomed: She never returned from her flight. NEVAR 4GET!
yourbeinignorant: ya i knwo
VELOislove757: I SAW A SQUIRRELL it was going like this ''makes squrriell noises''
x0Zazabi0x: Ultra Peepi
yourbeinignorant: squrriels are awesome!
EarthIzDoomed: I love that hamster.
x0Zazabi0x: Hamster > squirrel
EarthIzDoomed: I want an Ultra Peepi, but Scar would eat it.
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: C TOWN! Word up!
EarthIzDoomed: C Town? Is that Cunt Town?
x0Zazabi0x: That'd be entertaining though
culdi linex2u x3 has left the room.
VELOislove757 has left the room.
VELOislove757 has entered the room.
yourbeinignorant: FAE IS BACK!
VELOislove757: im a dumb ass
yourbeinignorant: from outer space
EarthIzDoomed: We can have a seven some!
yourbeinignorant: i'm sorry danni
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: ORGASM
EarthIzDoomed: No one cares about your homework. =(
yourbeinignorant: ROFL
EarthIzDoomed: OMG UR ORGASM SUCKS! I didn’t even feel it!
VELOislove757: what does rolf mean??
yourbeinignorant: Rolling on the floor luaghing
EarthIzDoomed: FOL
yourbeinignorant: We are rofling!
EarthIzDoomed: Fart out loud = FOL
VELOislove757: umm ok
XStevieX1120 has left the room.
yourbeinignorant: VINTAGE!
EarthIzDoomed: Not this crap again.
yourbeinignorant: my chubbiful; kitty was vintage today
EarthIzDoomed: Vintage is some pretty orgasmic stuff.
VELOislove757: duh!
yourbeinignorant: hellz ya VINTAGE!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: SEX ME UOP
EarthIzDoomed: /thanx4pix.jpgEarthIzDoomed: That's what happens when I sex you up.
VELOislove757: eww
yourbeinignorant: gah your nuaghty
EarthIzDoomed: You set yourself up for it, Danielle. :-*
VELOislove757: nasty
yourbeinignorant: NAUGHTY!
EarthIzDoomed: I am the only girl with sperm. Be jealous!
VELOislove757: is every1 here a girl??
EarthIzDoomed: LOLZ NO
x0Zazabi0x: I'm a guy
yourbeinignorant: oh ya I forgot about that
VELOislove757: oooooooooohk
EarthIzDoomed: Wait, you have a penis?
x0Zazabi0x: Yep
yourbeinignorant: i don't think so
x0Zazabi0x: You're all so jealous
VELOislove757: i dont
yourbeinignorant: GINA!
VELOislove757: SQURRIELL!!!!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: LOL
EarthIzDoomed: What?
yourbeinignorant: HECK YSU!
VELOislove757: idk
VELOislove757: * im random
x0Zazabi0x: Ok..
EarthIzDoomed: I don't speak 13 year old girl.
VELOislove757: how odl is everybody??
yourbeinignorant: i'm 13
EarthIzDoomed: 41. =(
VELOislove757: im 13 too
x0Zazabi0x: You can tell by the structure of your sentences. The first clue is capitalization and some sort of punctuation.
VELOislove757: huh??
x0Zazabi0x: The next clue would be correct grammar and spelling.
yourbeinignorant: lolz
VELOislove757: im lost....again
x0Zazabi0x: I'm a grammar Nazi?
EarthIzDoomed: Thanks for sharing.
yourbeinignorant: Kn=yum
EarthIzDoomed: Well compared to this crowd, almost everyone is.
VELOislove757: :-$
yourbeinignorant: lolz
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: I Cn wang you with my wang
EarthIzDoomed: O RLY?
VELOislove757: lm lost
EarthIzDoomed: Go get a map then, foo!
VELOislove757: ok!
yourbeinignorant: omg PAPY!
EarthIzDoomed: Wootie!
x0Zazabi0x: I'm in a total state of confusion.
VELOislove757: me 2!
yourbeinignorant: do u think papy is dead
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: zazabi is a sperm tank
VELOislove757: im so lost a map cant help me
x0Zazabi0x: Uh..
EarthIzDoomed: I think everyone is lost, they're just too scared to admit it.
yourbeinignorant: giggle
EarthIzDoomed: You're a test tube baby, Kaitlin.
yourbeinignorant: FLOPPY!
x0Zazabi0x: Sure why not.
VELOislove757: ''fae has confuse look onface considering shes lost''
yourbeinignorant: BEAR IS ON THE ROOF!
VELOislove757: well fae is in a chair!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: i play the piano like you fuck a goat
VELOislove757: what u gonna do now huh punk!
yourbeinignorant: HOT!
EarthIzDoomed: They're gonna kill Earth Child!
yourbeinignorant: :O WHAT?
x0Zazabi0x: Earth Child?
VELOislove757: its a tree
EarthIzDoomed: We're hippies!
yourbeinignorant: <3 earth child
x0Zazabi0x: Oh...Ok
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: i like to sing lalalalala
x0Zazabi0x: Monkey Feet
EarthIzDoomed: My Nature name Butterfly Sky!
EarthIzDoomed: :o
x0Zazabi0x: I need a nature name
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: monkey penis
yourbeinignorant: mine is CRACK!
x0Zazabi0x: How about "Sperm Tank"
EarthIzDoomed: That's perfect!
x0Zazabi0x: Right on.
VELOislove757: what can mine be?
yourbeinignorant: i'm going to get high now off life…
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: kaitlins is monkey penins
EarthIzDoomed: I'm changing mine to "Magical love tunnel"!
VELOislove757: hearts
VELOislove757: hugs
yourbeinignorant: laughter....
yourbeinignorant: CRACK!
EarthIzDoomed: Orgasm!
x0Zazabi0x: Ennuendo!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: im ‘Pooping Horse’
EarthIzDoomed: No, inYOURendo!
x0Zazabi0x: Double entendre!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: fae is ‘Chubbiful Cat’
yourbeinignorant: awwww no fair
EarthIzDoomed: Fear the bad puns.
x0Zazabi0x: Ah they're great.
VELOislove757: i wanna blue scadoo with you
yourbeinignorant: but can i be vinatge monkey penis
EarthIzDoomed: I <3 monkey penises! I had a great time at the zoo!
VELOislove757: OMG I SAW A SQURRIELL at the zoo
x0Zazabi0x: What? ._.
EarthIzDoomed: Them monkeys have a lot o' energy.
x0Zazabi0x: Monkey's masturbate in fear.
EarthIzDoomed: Oh dear, they didn’t like me then.
VELOislove757 has left the room.
x0Zazabi0x: Wow those monkeys aren't shy, eh?
EarthIzDoomed: Nope. They’re exact opposite.
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: i masterbate in fear of all you guys.
x0Zazabi0x: Kinda creepy methinks
EarthIzDoomed: I was just kidding. No reason to get all scared, you guys.
yourbeinignorant: and i'm outside of your window
EarthIzDoomed: You are all worse then Clemente's friend!
yourbeinignorant: lolz
EarthIzDoomed: He wouldn't take me to prom! HE HATES ME!
GloryFries has entered the room.
x0Zazabi0x: I'll take you to prom :o
EarthIzDoomed: YES!
x0Zazabi0x: I need a tacky blue tux though.
GloryFries: or an orange one, if you want to be cool.
x0Zazabi0x: Fashion fopah!
x0Zazabi0x: I'm feelin fruity for sayin that
EarthIzDoomed: I'm gonna wear my fairy princess outfit...with wings with a clip on halo. It’ll be so hot!
x0Zazabi0x: We will so win King and Queen.
yourbeinignorant: HECK yus!
EarthIzDoomed: I know!
GloryFries: not if i win king and queen first! thats right... both.
EarthIzDoomed: I'll be so pretty! But only on the internet!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: transfestite
EarthIzDoomed: Cause I'll have to edit all my photos to get all the blemishes out. =(
GloryFries: nah. im just so cool that i'll win both.
yourbeinignorant: hee hee air brush zits
x0Zazabi0x: Boo acne xD
GloryFries: they'll be all "Hes so damned cool, he should be queen as well"
EarthIzDoomed: No, I was going to airbrush my whole face actually.
x0Zazabi0x: And look like something from "The Ring"?
yourbeinignorant: my kitty so soooo fat he made it bigger
EarthIzDoomed: Too bad he blew chunks this morning.
GloryFries has left the room.
EarthIzDoomed: He was hot when he was throwing up, though.
x0Zazabi0x: Cheating on me? With a cat? I thought we were going to win King and Queen. *cries in a corner and harikiris*
yourbeinignorant: oh noes touble in teh love department
EarthIzDoomed: Whoops, sorry. LOLZ I'm such a skank.
EarthIzDoomed: C'mere Scar you sexy beast!
yourbeinignorant: scar is sexxi
EarthIzDoomed: Where is he anyway, Kaitlin.
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: dead in the corner
yourbeinignorant: he's one hot PIECE OF FURRY ASS!
EarthIzDoomed: He's neutered though.
x0Zazabi0x: My kitty is in her dungeon..
EarthIzDoomed: Is she meowing all emo-ish,
yourbeinignorant: my kitty used to have a penis but it's gone now
x0Zazabi0x: She's probably sleeping or something
EarthIzDoomed: Scar got castrated.
x0Zazabi0x: Very lazy kitty
yourbeinignorant: poor scraman
EarthIzDoomed: Lucky. My cat just meows all night.
yourbeinignorant: scar is so hot though
x0Zazabi0x: My cat used to then she got spayed..
yourbeinignorant: but he's still hot while he's doing it
EarthIzDoomed: She lost all sexual desires!
x0Zazabi0x: Yep, to be frank
x0Zazabi0x: No more horny kitty
EarthIzDoomed: No more hot cat on cat action?
x0Zazabi0x: Unfortunately no, no kitty banging
DiAbeTiCc x3 has entered the room.
EarthIzDoomed: She has no more reasons live. =(
x0Zazabi0x: Emo cat!
DiAbeTiCc x3: who is all in here?
EarthIzDoomed: It needs to go to the cutting room!
yourbeinignorant: hi how r u
x0Zazabi0x: The bathroom?
yourbeinignorant: no the pantry
EarthIzDoomed: I thought it was the freezer.
x0Zazabi0x: Pantry? I thought it was suicidesque to slit your wrists in a bath tub?
EarthIzDoomed: Remember that the kitty will need your help to slit her wrist.
x0Zazabi0x: She has no thumbs..
EarthIzDoomed: Yup. She can’t hold the knife.
x0Zazabi0x: I'll just get a knife and do Harikiri, into blood spin killing her and critically damaging the opponent.
DiAbeTiCc x3 has left the room.
EarthIzDoomed: Yes. Killing two birds with one stone!
yourbeinignorant: blood : O
EarthIzDoomed: Who wants kitty sasuages?
x0Zazabi0x: Yoshimitsu style
CrAziiix33 has entered the room.
CrAziiix33 has left the room.
EarthIzDoomed: Kittykabobs!
yourbeinignorant: who was that
Bessyloumoo222 has entered the room.
EarthIzDoomed: People who hate us. =(
x0Zazabi0x: I wonder what cat tastes like.
EarthIzDoomed: Probably like chicken.
x0Zazabi0x: Yeah most likely.
x0Zazabi0x: Any one ever tried eel?
EarthIzDoomed: That probably taste like chicken too.
x0Zazabi0x: It's tasty stuff, very very tender fish.
x0Zazabi0x: Good for sushi.
EarthIzDoomed: Sushi is good. :o
thaliaaa x3 has left the room.
x0Zazabi0x: Indeed! The cruise i'm going on has a 24 hour sushi bar too :D
EarthIzDoomed: People keep leaving us.
x0Zazabi0x: I wonder if they'll have octopus..
yourbeinignorant: WHO IS TAHT! WHO IS BESSY!
EarthIzDoomed: YOU ARE, FAT COW!
x0Zazabi0x: I should to wasabi snooters.
x0Zazabi0x: And kill my nostrils
yourbeinignorant: WHO IS BESSY!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: luomoo
yourbeinignorant: who is that
EarthIzDoomed: You could kill your nostrils by sniffing pixie sticks.
x0Zazabi0x: Lu Buu!
EarthIzDoomed: That hurts a lot.
x0Zazabi0x: I like pixie stix :D Not so much snorting though
EarthIzDoomed: Yes, sniffing them hurts with the power of a thousand suns!
x0Zazabi0x: It burns like the chlamydia
EarthIzDoomed: And just how do you know how that feels?
x0Zazabi0x: Sexual Education!
EarthIzDoomed: Experience? ADMIT IT!
x0Zazabi0x: Hah no..
EarthIzDoomed: Hey Bessyloumoo, wanna cyber? :-*:-*:-*
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: sperm tank
EarthIzDoomed: You're a sperm tank.
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: no zazabi is hes a boi
x0Zazabi0x: I'm one potent guy.
x0Zazabi0x: I'm not a boy.. I've hit puberty
x0Zazabi0x: Damn you hormones!
EarthIzDoomed: My mommy says you can't control them. =(
x0Zazabi0x: I'm crazy like that
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: that means you have leg hair
x0Zazabi0x: I could shave it but that'd be odd of me.
EarthIzDoomed: D: OH noes!111 If I hit puberty I'll look like an anime character with huge titties! I must stop puberty!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: kaitlin will mlick the hair ryte off your legs
yourbeinignorant: hell ya!
x0Zazabi0x: Boobies? :o
EarthIzDoomed: LOLZ WHERE?
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: do you have man boobies"
x0Zazabi0x: Right in front of you!
x0Zazabi0x: I'm terrible..
yourbeinignorant: man boobies
EarthIzDoomed: LOL U GUYZ 12/F/CALI WITH DD cups...wanna cyber????
x0Zazabi0x: I don't have man boobs
x0Zazabi0x: I'm 125 lbs for christs sake
yourbeinignorant: i weight.....94lbs
EarthIzDoomed: Thinspiration!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: congrats
x0Zazabi0x: Mary-Kate?
EarthIzDoomed: Yup!
x0Zazabi0x: Defeat Dinner at all costs!
yourbeinignorant: *stick finger down thoart*
yourbeinignorant: *barfs up dinner*
EarthIzDoomed: Holocaust survivor look, anyone?
x0Zazabi0x: It's so in nowadays
yourbeinignorant: i have a big...
EarthIzDoomed: Penis?
yourbeinignorant: come on everybody eatting disorders ae so kuel
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: sperm tank
EarthIzDoomed: Cool if you want to look like a human skeleton.
x0Zazabi0x: Overly skinny girls are scary.
EarthIzDoomed: Fat girls are scary too...especially when they wear tiny clothing. =(
EarthIzDoomed: My eyes can't take that abuse.
x0Zazabi0x: I have a predisposed hate towards obese people..
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: like me?
yourbeinignorant: no danielle is a hot moma
ThEcHiMpPiMp101 has entered the room.
ThEcHiMpPiMp101 has left the room.
yourbeinignorant: OH SHIT
EarthIzDoomed: Well, that was quick.
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: im A WHALER!!!!!!!
EarthIzDoomed: We know this.
x0Zazabi0x: I just don't understand why so many are obese and why they can't get of their lazy bums..
yourbeinignorant: danieele is not lazy
x0Zazabi0x: I don't know you in the physical world
EarthIzDoomed: It's because they want to sue McDonalds.
yourbeinignorant: danielle rides horsey
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: im a hugeeeeeeeeeeeee beached whale
x0Zazabi0x: Funny thing is though, i've never much liked fries.. Just hamburgers, I freakin love hamburgers....
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: fatty mcfattlard that’s me
yourbeinignorant: i'ma fucktard
yourbeinignorant: FUCK ME PLZ!
EarthIzDoomed: No! Abstinence 4 lyfe!111
x0Zazabi0x: Celibate!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: fatties dont get sex
yourbeinignorant: i'm gonna go get aids
EarthIzDoomed: Okay, you do that.
yourbeinignorant: herbies
x0Zazabi0x: Herpies: Fully Inflamed.
yourbeinignorant: lolz
EarthIzDoomed: Then you can get that medicine from the commercials.
x0Zazabi0x: Herpies commercials are always so happy.
yourbeinignorant: then i acn pass on AIDS
EarthIzDoomed: Good job, dumb ass. You're dating a skank with herpes!
yourbeinignorant: my cup fissed
EarthIzDoomed: Your boobs are fizzing? How come mine don't do that?
x0Zazabi0x: They do that?
yourbeinignorant: it's somthing we did 4 absinance class
x0Zazabi0x: Niether do mine, my boobs don't fizz xD
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: but your wee wee does
yourbeinignorant: WEE WEE!
x0Zazabi0x: Nope that doesn't either, it explodes like a cannon.
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: damn!
EarthIzDoomed: Did you drop your donut, fatty
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: pop my cherry
yourbeinignorant: do u ahve a woo woo or a sprinkler
yourbeinignorant: this is what me and my sister said our couzin
x0Zazabi0x: Now I think I understand why many males do not enter these conversations.
yourbeinignorant: when we were liek 8 and 5
EarthIzDoomed: I can pop my own cherry...wanna see. I'll set up a web cam and everything!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: hahahahahha WHOA!
x0Zazabi0x: You could make alot of money selling that.. sadly. xD
EarthIzDoomed: Child porn!
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: heck yussssss
EarthIzDoomed: I'd get arrested for selling myself. I could probably get away with it in Mexico or something, though.
yourbeinignorant: rated tripel XXXXXX
EarthIzDoomed: That's 6 Xs, Kaitlin. Go back to 2nd grade to learn how to count.
DrOpsOfJuPiT3r48: clemernte wants kaitlin to finger herself
EarthIzDoomed: That's even grosser than my comment.
x0Zazabi0x: I shouldn't be here I'm probably breaking a law
yourbeinignorant: DAMN!
yourbeinignorant: up the anus?? LOLZ