Nov 06, 2007 08:24
I don't think my English teacher likes me. Yesterday we were supposed to hand in a draft for an essay that's due today. I had more of an outline than an essay, I'll admit, but she didn't even look at it before she handed it back with an, "I can't take this." I felt like screaming, first of all, it's a draft! It's NOT supposed to be PERFECT!!!!! And, I know it's not long enough, IT'S NOT DONE YET!!!!!!! I didn't get to finish typing what I had! Not to mention that I'm trying to do NaNo. I am so screwed. I'm only halfway to where I should be by now, I've got just about 5,000 words when I should have 10,000 by the end of today. It's gonna be a long night.
Random but, this morning on the bus this little girl was talking to someone and she said, "I was up until 9:30 last night, I'm so tired." I had to bite my tounge to keep from saying, "Well, I was up till 11, and I'm not tired."
school: english,
nano: wordcount